Laura Shepard (Harry Potter)

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[My review looks like this.]

~ Introduction ~

Name - Laura Mae Shepard

[A good name.]

Meaning - Laurel Tree ; Month of May ; Sheep Herder.

Nickname(s) --

Mae - she prefers her middle name to her first ; used by her mother / teachers.

Shep / Shepard - she prefers to go by her surname, period ; used by her friends.

Mae-Day - a teasing nickname that she pretends to dislike (but secretly enjoys) ; used occasionally by her best friends.

Species - Human / Witch.

Gender - Female.

Age - primarily 15 - 17 (when the story takes place).

Era - Golden Trio (she is the same age).

Birthday - 5th of November.

Blood Status - Half-Blood.

Ethnicity - Irish ; English ; Russian.

[A good mix, and all the regions are fairly close together.]

Orientation - Demisexual (straight).

Born - Boston, Massachusetts (United States).

Current  Residence - London, England.

[She seems like a good character so far. Everything seems well thought through, including the nicknames.]

~ Appearance ~

Height - about 5'10".

Weight - roughly 135 lbs.

[I ran this through a BMI calculator, and she's a healthy weight, so that's good.]

Build - tall ; skinny ; small bust ; no obvious curves.

Skin Type - fair ; easily burned ; eventually tans and will stay tanned.

Eyes - dark hazel-blue ; slightly big ; almond-shaped ; framed by thin, dark lashes ; often squinted in annoyance or fascination.

Hair - ash brown ; straight ; mid-neck length ; tends to be worn in a tight knot, in braids, or underneath a Muggle baseball hat.

Distinguishing Features - thin, oval-shaped face ; high cheekbones ; a slightly crooked nose (has been broken twice) ; rosebud lips that are a bit lopsided (raised higher on the right than the left ; it gives her a rather crooked smile) ; a fair amount of scars (cuts and burns) in varying shapes and sizes - mostly on her arms, wrists, and hands (she likes to experiment with her own spell-work and it often goes awry ; she is constantly seen wearing band-aids or bandages).

[It's a good thing she doesn't look like a supermodel. She has natural, believable features and I can picture her well in my head. I like how you added a few reasons to her appearance (eg. the cuts and burns from experimenting with spell-work), it builds to her character.]

Clothing Style(s) --

Hogwarts - typical female uniform ; black cloak, white button-down, house vest / sweater, house tie, pleated skirt, knee socks, and black flats. 

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