Act 2. Scene 1. [another part of the island]

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Trekking through the mysterious forests of the strange island were Alonso, the King; Sebastian, the Kings brother; Antonio, the usurping Duke of Milan; Gonzalo, the honest yet talkative councilor; and Adrian and Francisco, who were lords

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Trekking through the mysterious forests of the strange island were Alonso, the King; Sebastian, the Kings brother; Antonio, the usurping Duke of Milan; Gonzalo, the honest yet talkative councilor; and Adrian and Francisco, who were lords.

The first person to start talking was, obviously, Gonzalo; who was trying to console Alonso about the loss of his son.

"Please cheer up, sir. Like all of us, you have a good reason to be happy. The fact that we're alive outweighs our losses. Many people every day feel the sadness we feel now. Every day some sailor's wife, a ship's crew, the merchant who hired the ship all experience the same loss we've undergone. But the miracle—the fact that we were saved—only happens to a few people out of millions. So remember that, and take comfort in it, to counterbalance our sadness." He said.

Alonso stopped and turned, putting his hand out, "Please say no more." He requested.

Sebastian and Antonio, who were listening to the men's conversation, were commenting about Gonzalo's talkativeness.

"Alonso enjoys these comforting words about as much as cold oatmeal." Sebastian muttered.

Antonio laughed, saying, "But the goodwill ambassador won't give up that easily."

"Look," Sebastian said, pointing to Gonzalo, "He's like a clock winding up to strike the hour."

"Sir-" Gonzalo started, catching up to the King.

"There he goes! Now we can tell what time it is." Sebastian joked.

"If we let every sad thing that happens to us get us down, then we would find ourselves—" Gonzalo continued, despite the laughs from the two noblemen behind him.

"What a pain." Sebastian remarked, Gonzalo catching this remark and addressing him.

"Pain, yes indeed. We would find ourselves in pain. You thought you were being funny, but you said the truth." He said, pointing at Sebastian.

"You're taking it more seriously than I meant it." Sebastian replied blankly.

Making a noise and turning back to the King, Gonzalo started once again, "Therefore, sir—"

"God, doesn't he ever shut up?" Antonio exclaimed to Sebastian.

"Please, no more." Alonso said again, his temper and sadness rising.

Gonzalo, of course, insisted, "Well, I'm nearly finished. But just one last thing—"

"He insists on talking." Sebastian said, rolling his eyes.

Antonio patted Sebastian on the back, saying, "Hey, let's bet. Which one will start yammering first, Gonzalo or Adrian?" He pointed to Adrian, the young but thoughtful lord.

"The old guy." Sebastian stated.

"I pick the younger one." Antonio decided.

"You're on. What's the prize?" Sebastian asked.

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