ACT 3 SCENE 2 [a forest]

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On another part of the island, a heated conversation was in play

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On another part of the island, a heated conversation was in play.

Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban, all drunk, were wandering through the forest aimlessly.

Trinculo had just made a comment to Stephano about running out of wine, which caused Stephano to reply "Don't tell me that. When the barrel's empty, we'll drink water. Not one drop sooner. Therefore, drink up." He paused to give Caliban the bottle, "—Servant-monster, drink a toast to me."

Trinculo looked at the man and islander in surprise, ""Servant monster"? What a crazy island this is. They say there are only five people on it. We're three of them. If the other two are as loopy as we are, our country's in bad shape."

Caliban listened to what Trinculo said instead of taking the bottle, so Stephano exclaimed, "Drink when I order you, servant-monster. Your eyes look like they've sunk into your head."

"Where else should his eyes be, if not in his head? He'd be quite a monster if his eyes were in his tail." Trinculo muttered sarcastically.

After taking a big drink, Caliban tried to say something, but was so drunk that nothing came out.

Baffled by this, Stephano said in a drunken stupor, "My man—monster is so drunk he can't talk. As for me, no liquid can harm me, neither booze nor the whole sea itself. Before I could get to shore, I swam thirty-five leagues in it and still survived.—Monster, you'll be my lieutenant, or my flag-bearer."

"Lieutenant is better. He's not standing straight enough to hold a flag." Trinculo commented.

Stephano reassured, "We're not going to run in our army, Monsieur Monster."

"Or walk either. You'll just lie there like sleeping dogs and say nothing." Trinculo muttered smugly.

Petting Calibans head, Stephano said, "Monster sweetie, be a good monster and just speak once."

Caliban looked up at his master, "How is your Highness? Let me lick your shoe." Then pointing to Trinculo, he snarled, "I'll never serve that guy there. He's not courageous like you."

Trinculo, looking offended, retorted, "You're a liar, you ignorant monster. I'm courageous. I could shake up a police officer right now. You drunken fish, you, how could you call me a coward after all the booze I've drunk today? Do you tell such monstrous lies because you're half fish and half monster?"

As the colourful man sat on a tree branch; Caliban said to Stephano, who was sitting on a stump, "Look how he's making fun of me! Will you let him talk to me like that, my lord?"

Trinculo grimaced, ""Lord," he calls you? What an idiot that monster is!"

"There he goes again! Please, bite him to death, I'm begging you!" Caliban gasped.

Stephano rolled his eyes, "Trinculo, speak politely. If you mutiny against me, I'll hang you from the next tree. This poor monster is my subject, and I will not allow him to be insulted."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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