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Hope. Despair. Discouragement. Passion. Faith. Love. These are just some of the emotions that make us who we are. These are the things that make us human. Without them, we are colorless. We are grey. We have no hope. We have no future. We need love to give to other people around us. We need hope because even on the darkest day, we can hope for a light to show us the way. We need to care for others when you still have it in your grasp. There is no need for despair, save when the second death happens. Because the bad things in our life cause us to look for a greater power. Be encouraged. You can pass this test. Other people have faced the same tests and have overcome. Without passion, what is there? No passion for living? But just to become a robot of life going through the motions? We have to have faith in a better future, faith that it gets better, we have to have faith in people. We need love. The very essence of human beings crave love, for without love we are nothing. Perfect love casts out fear. With love, there is no fear. With love, we are bright. With love, we can smile a genuine smile. With love, we can laugh. With love, we can accomplish anything. With love, life is worth living. Without emotions, we are not human. But with them, we can shape the world into whatever image we can imagine. But what happens if these emotions are slowly drained from you? What then? What hope can we have? Then there is only anger, bitterness, envy, and disgust. Oh, how horrible that world would be!

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