My Life

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I wasn't always a depressed,heartbroken girl. I once was a free spirited,happy girl who just loved life. No problems,no broken hearts,no crying and betrayal. My name is India
daughter of Moana. My dad is just a selfish douche. He saw my mom sailing in her little boat while catching fish. He was a good looking pirate and according to my mother seemed nice. While my mother wasn't looking he grabbed her from her boat and took her onto his big pirate boat. My mother tried to fight him off but his grip was to hard. He took her into his room while all the pirates just stared and laughed as my mother yelled and cryed for help. He ripped off her clothes and raped her. The pirates were just laughing histerically as if it was all a joke. And u know what happened. He had sex with my mother and when he was done he spat at her and slapped her. He threw my mother off his ship leaving her to fend for herself in the big large blue ocean. My mom was only 16. My mom was in so much pain she wanted to give up she just couldn't do it and let her body go. She was drifting away in big blue sea. Not knowing that there was going to be a tiny creature in her belly named India. My mom was rescued by a redheaded Mermaid name Ariel.She told my mother that she as pregnant and gave me the power to become a mermaid.My mom got to her village. And months later she gave birth to me.   Like I said I was a happy,happy little girl. But not for long.

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