7 - Theory

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You sit by Hideki in the back row of your calculus class again. He, as usual, is eating sweets - packaged cookies to be exact.

Hideki grabs another cookie with his index finger and thumb, and reaches it out to you.

"Would you like one?" he asks.

"Yeah sure, thanks," you half-whisper.

You grab the cookie, devour it, and eventually wash it down with some coffee. L takes note of the tone in your voice.

"You sound tired. Did you get enough sleep last night," he asks, looking for any way possible to find out what your dream was about.

"Mmm, yeah," you lie, not wanting to worry him.

That night, you woke up from a dream about Light, whom Hideki is obviously grieving, so you decide to keep the contents of the dream to yourself.

'I know she's lying. What could she have been dreaming about? Maybe it involved Light, and in that case...'

"That's good. I didn't sleep very well; I had a nightmare about Light," he says, simply to see if this information will help you open up to him.

You look over at Hideki, instantly noticing the connection of the dreams' topics.

"You can tell me what happened if you'd like. You don't have to if you don't want to though."

"No, I need to get it out. Light was...drowning. There was a storm in the middle of the ocean. I was safe on a life boat, while he sank into the water. I did whatever I could to save him, but to no avail. He went deeper and deeper, until I couldn't see his body underwater. I was alone once again," he says, telling the truth.

The five minutes of sleep he got last night did nothing but cause him pain.

"Oh my god, that's awful!"

Hideki slowly nods, looking down with his thumb on his lips, refraining from eating to create a more dramatic atmosphere.

"If we're being honest, I had a nightmare too."

"What was it about?"

You contemplate whether you should tell him or not, but eventually decide it's only fair for you to open up as well.

"It was about Light, just like yours."

'I knew it.'

"But, unlike yours, he was still alive."

Everything around L freezes, mouth slightly agape. You keep talking, but he isn't listening. All he hears is a slight ringing and the indistinct, dulled mumbles coming from the class's chatter.

"So yeah. Pretty crazy right?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Could you please repeat yourself?"

You sigh dramatically.

"I'm not repeating it again after this, Hideki,"

Hideki nods.

"Light was in a unique prison cell, with his hands cuffed behind his back. Suddenly, he yelled, 'Ryuzaki, I'm innocent! I couldn't be Kira! I couldn't kill for a stupid reason like he does; let me out!' After Light was finished yelling, I heard L's synthetic voice speak up, 'We aren't completely sure of that. In the meantime, I have to keep an eye on you. In order for me to tell whether you're Kira or not, I need to keep you detained for a period of time. I don't want to take any chances.' This made Light mad, and he cried once more, 'How long will that be?!' L hummed into the mic, probably thinking, and replied, 'About a year.' That's where my dream ended. But the thing is, Kira hasn't been around for a year, only a few months. This means, if my dream was real, this event would've taken place recently, which would make the video fake, and Light would still be alive..." you trail off.

"With all my heart, I wish that were true, but that video clearly wasn't a fake," he quickly replies.

You glance at Hideki with passion shining through your transparent eyes.

"But, that's the thing. As I was walking to school this morning, I looked over the footage again. After careful inspection, I realized that the man in the video wasn't Light. Yes, the man in the video looked like Light, but if we look again," you say, pulling out your phone and playing the video for your friend again. You pause it at the perfect frame to prove your theory. "See? With his eyes closed like that, you can see this," you proclaim, pointing to a small freckle he had on his eyelid. "Light doesn't have a freckle anywhere on his face."

Hideki looks at the screen with interest, popping another cookie in his mouth.

"Wow, it seems so. This video must be a fake," he admits.

"And, I know what I'm about to say is far fetched, but in the past, my dreams have foreseen the future. My theory is that the Ryuzaki in my dream is L, and is illegally keeping Light captive, convinced that he's Kira," you say, gulping the rest of your coffee down."Which, if you ask me, is in no way justice. You know what they say: innocent until proven guilty. I used to look up to L, but now he's just a childish criminal in my mind. In fact, in my opinion, he's no better than Kira," you say nonchalantly.

L is internally enraged at your correct logic and, even more so, at your comment about L being a criminal that acts no better than Kira.

'Why? Why does she have to be so difficult?'

Right before class starts, you do something you never thought you would to the man sitting next to you. You reach over and pull him into a tight hug, making his heart melt and his heartbeat rise.

"I'm so glad you aren't L," you whisper to him.

The Observer (YandereL x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt