9 - Brother

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You enter the cafe, half happy, and half anxious to see your eccentric, older brother. He is very kind, but has his quirks. You two meet eyes, and you run over to him, greeting him with a hug and a huge smile.

"Hey, Levi! It's been forever," you say, sitting down on the booth across from him.

"Yeah, I kn--" he gets cut off by the shy waitress that served you and Hideki.

"May I take your order?"

'Oh god...' you cringe, knowing what's going to happen.

"I'll have a vanilla frappuccino and your number," he says with a creepy grin, turning the poor girl turn into a tomato. Your eye twitches.

'If he's gonna hit on someone why can't he be smooth about it,' you complain.

"Um...uh...okay, vanilla frappuccino, and you, Miss," she asks, looking down.

"I'll have a black coffee, thank you."

The waitress runs off without hesitation to the kitchen. You glare at your brother.

"Why are you like this?"

He nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders and laces his fingers while putting his hands behind his head, not caring about tangling his dark hair.

"How'm I supposed to know? It was worth a shot, don't you think," he smirks.

"Uh huh, maybe if you had one to begin with."

He almost puts his feet up on the table, but you push them down before they reached the dark varnished wood. He sighs in annoyance, shakes his head, and puts his elbows on the table.

Resting his chin in the palm of his hands, he asks, "Anyway, so what happened? The deal with Light and all."

You sigh, "You realize that happened over a month ago, right..."

"Well, yeah, I've been really bus--"

"Doing what, playing video games?"

He looks surprised, and slightly offended.

"Um, no, actually. Remember Emi?"

"Your ex girlfriend that I loved so much? That Emi?"

"Um, yeah. She's expecting..."

It's your turn to look surprised now.

"Oh...uh, what are you gonna do?"

"Well," his head tilts to the side and he looks up.

"She doesn't want me back and still wants me to pay child support."

He shakes his head, "Well, that's enough about me, how about you," he says, putting his elbows back on the table, and his chin back in his palms.

"How's your love life," he smiles.

"My love life? What love life," you half-joke.

He dramatically sighs, "I mean are there any guys in your life?!"

A new waiter comes back and sets down our stuff. Levi gulps when he sees how huge the man handing him his vanilla frappuchino is.

"Thank you sir."

"Mm," he grunts and walks back to the counter.

You look down, "Well, there is one guy..."

Levi's eyes flutter and  he smirks, while sipping on his straw, "Oh?"

"No, it's not like that, Levi. He's kind of cute in his own way, but he's really weird."

"Oh, that sucks. What's his name? Maybe I know him."

You laugh, "You probably do, his name is Hideki Ryuga."

He immediately covers his mouth to prevent doing a spit take.

"Hideki Ryuga?! The acto--?!"

"Oh my god, dumbass, not the actor."

He sits there confused for a moment, continuing to slurp on his drink. His head jolts up.

"Oh, gross, the person who got the same score as Light on that entrance exam? That Hideki Ryuga?"

You purse your lips and nod once, "Yepper."

He over exaggerates a grimace, making you raise your eyebrows, looking at him like a freak.

"I'm not going to lie to you, he's even weirder than he seems, but something about him is sweet. Plus, he's really smart."

"So you would date him?"

You scoff, "Not a chance."

"I don't blame you. I would totally date the real Hideki Ryuga, or even Light, but that Hideki? He's just not my type."

You snicker, "Really? I thought everyone was your type. I mean, didn't you say your friends Kai and Mizuki shipped us?"

Levi cringes the hardest you've ever seen him cringe, "Please dont remind me, I have standards."

"Well it could be worse; at least you're adopted."

He shakes his head faster than the speed of light and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to get the disgusting images out of his head.

You laugh at his disapproval, and gulp your coffee down.

"How's your career going? Singing and all?"

"Mm, pretty good. By the way, how's that song coming, the one you were gonna write for me?"

"Ah, I haven't been working on it. I promise I will, just as soon as I get home."

He looks at you with worried eyes, "Alright, just dont get too stressed out, 'kay?"

You nod, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

You give him a kiss on the cheek and wave goodbye with a smile.

You walk off, content with your conversation with Levi. But, of course, you have no idea someone was eavesdropping.

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