Imagine (One)

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I am writing the name 'Imagine (One) because it still is the first imagine so that you do not get confused 😁

"Uhm.. Listen I gotta tell you something.." You started saying, but were interrupted by Mac's voice.

"No, you listen to me. I have never felt this way about a girl, but it seems that you are special. And I like you, not because you are beautiful and all but because of your personality. It doens't matter even if you didn't have good looks. I would still love you the same. Because well y-"

*Bzz Bzz..*

Your phone started to ring, and you were kinda glad for that, but when you saw who was calling you, you wanted the Earth to eat you at the very moment..


"Is that how you answer your mother?"

"Um, excuse me, step-mother, Clair. You gotta learn that already." You said to your step-mother angrily. It's like you were a bowl full of hot water which started to boil.

"Y/N, that is not how you are going to speak to me! Get home this instant! We gotta pack!" You looked at the floor and as your wish of that the Earth eats you, didn't, come true, you wished it again.

But as your step-mother couldn't said it louder, you already started to walk home. Witouth, saying gokdbye to Mac.

"Wait up!" You started running, and soon you were in front of your home.

"Y/N, what did Clair mean by, ''Pack your things?'' A-Are you moving?" You looked into his heartbroken eyes, and couldn't lie anymore.

So you said it all.

Once you finished, you saw tears in his eyes. It was hard to sayit all, but it was a relife as well..

"I-I'm so so sorry Mac.."

"Marcus." He said with a straight face.

"What?" You said confused..

"You can call me Marcus.." He said looking at the floor and walked away from you.

Hey guys!!

I know that it's been long since I have updated, but it's because I didn't have any inpiration or anything..

And school has started and I am going to High School this year!!

So yeah, sorry once more and hope to see you soon int eh next chapter!! ♡

P.S. Thank you so much for the votes and views on the story I didn't really excpect any.. Thank you so much!! ♡♡

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