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Countless hours of a dimly lit, never ending room. Mikey was terrified at this point. He wanted to just hug his brother and get reassured he wasn't gonna die. The only thing he had was a small grey box, and a skeleton boy who won't talk to him.
"good morning Mikey. Lindsey, and bandit are worried about you.."
There it is. His brothers voice. He looked around, as if he could find Gerard somewhere.
"The doctor said, you're slowly getting better. But it also keeps showing you aren't..."
Mikey looked around, then suddenly he looked towards the skeleton boy who was walking towards him. The skeleton boy had a key in its hand.
"use this..." was all that left his mouth, before he gave Mikey the key and disappeared. Mikey stared at it, and the box. He sat down, and started to try to open the box. Soon enough, he did. Inside was a letter written from 2008...
Dear Mikey,
I'm sorry I've been disappearing. There's too much to handle right now. I'm sorry that you have to put up with me. I promise one day everything will get better. I promise you everything is okay. Just please remember I'm okay.
Sincerely, Gerard.
Mikey read the letter, as he started to cry. Tears fell onto the paper, as it soon disappeared from his hands. "Wait no!!" Mikey screamed as he tried to run after the paper, but it was like he was glued to the ground. He couldn't move. "The fuck?!"
"on in my head - cause I'm awake all night long I hear the drums of the city rain. The lights we chase, the nights we steal. The things that we take to make us feel this. I can't go back. Don't think I will. I won't sleep tonight as I still hear the drums of the city rain."
Mikey curled up on the ground, slowly starting to fall asleep.

"goodnight Mikey. I hope to see you tomorrow."

Brother • Gerard and Mikey WayWhere stories live. Discover now