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Alice ran through the garden, her blonde hair blowing in the wind. Falling behind, Rachel fought to catch up to her. "This is it! The rabbit hole!" Alice cried out as her blue, checkered dress writhed in the air. Breathlessly, Alice gestured to a wide gaping hole.

"Where's the rabbit?" Rachel asked, her black hair flared around her face like a lions mane. The wind snagged at her dress, threatening to pull her into the hole.

"It's gone! He was late for something!" Alice exclaimed excitedly. She leaned rather dangerously over the edge. "He had a very important date!" She yelled out to her sister Rachel.

"Rabbits can't talk!" Rachel yelled back over the wind. Her red dress was violently being pulled. Alice and Rachel barely looked related. Alice had blonde hair while Rachel had black. Alice was more into the outdoors, while Rachel preferred the comforts of home. They were opposites.

Alice glared at Rachel. "I'll prove it to you!" She screamed. Her body rocked forward and the wind pushed her forward.

Rachel reached towards Alice as she stepped forward, but then the wind pushed both Rachel and Alice into the whole. Both of the screamed in sync as they plummeted into the unknown.

Time seemed to slow down. They seemed suspended in time. The air was forcing them to float, almost as if in water. Rachel leaned forward and grabbed Alice's arm. "Alice! Look!" She cried out while pointing to a chair that was swirling around while floating upwards.

Alice opened her mouth to say something, probably clever, when out came a scream as both of them started falling rapidly without warning. The wind bit at their necks. The world began to tilt and turn. Colors of blue, neon green, and bold pinks mixed around them in a dizzying combination. Then they both collapsed in two separate chairs.

Sitting upright, both girls looked around in confusion. Rachel looked terrified and her body was as tense as a lion about to spring. Alice, however, looked intrigued. A look of awe came over her.

They were surrounded by doors that were either far too large, or far too small. Both girls slowly rose from the chairs and looked up. Instead of a kaleidoscope of colors, there was just a plain, slanted blue wall.

"I'm late! Late, for a very important date!" A shrill voice called out. Alice clapped her hands together in joy.

"Oh Rachel! I told you I would show you! It's the Rabbit!" She gasped. Her pale cheeks and blue eyes lit up. When the Rabbit dashed ahead of them, paying no attention to the girls, he pulled out an exotic watch. The Rabbit had a pink nose and had little beady eyes. Perched on his nose, were a pair of frail glasses. He had on a pair of breeches and little shoes.

As the Rabbit dashed away, Alice followed in hot pursuit. "Alice!" Rachel cried out in alarm. However, Alice continued to pursue the Rabbit. "Alice! Please stop!" Rachel yelled after her sister.

"No!" Alice screamed as the Rabbit ran into a tiny door. She banged on the door with clenched fists. Her eyes filled with tears and streamed down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"Alice! Alice, where are we?" Rachel asked in fear. Her sister stayed there, pressing against the door. "Alice! How do we get back home?" Rachel asked, quivering.

"Through one of the doors." Alice answered wearily.

"Which one?" Rachel asked impatiently.

"I don't know! Rachel! I don't know!" Alice screamed, anxiety riddled throughout her voice.

"You come here all the time! How do we get back home?" Rachel screamed back.

"The White Queen..." Alice murmured.

"Who?" Rachel pleaded.

"The White Queen, but she changed. She's not...good anymore." Alice said.

"Alice, where are we?" Rachel questioned trying to fight the panic that was slowly bubbling to the surface.

"Wonderland." Alice sighed.

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