Chapter 1: Red Roses

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Rachel stood atop a balcony, overlooking her rose gardens. She breathed in the sweet scent of earth and dreamily imagined her mother's garden. Feeling a deep pain of longing, a cold hatred developed inside her. A hatred for the one she used to love so much. Alice, her own blood.

Sighing, she looked down at her gown. Rachel's dress draped and clung to her body like a water fountain. Whenever she moved, the fabric would sway like the ocean. It was also her favorite color. A luscious, bright red. Just like her beautiful flowers.

"Your Majesty. The Painters...They have finished their work." Commander Ace bellowed. He had a long broadsword and was decked out in heavy, gold and red armor. Rachel smiled and turned, her red ocean billowing around her.

"It's all painted. Every last rose is a beautiful red! At last. No more sign of the White Queen." Rachel sighed dramatically. In her chocolate hair, red roses were woven into the shape of a heart. Commander Ace nervously clutched at his broadsword.

"Yes, your Majesty." He boasted.

"And Cheshire, his whereabouts?" Rachel asked, smiling to herself.

"My team is working on it..." Ace replied weakly. He didn't want the Queen to be at all disappointed.

"Good. Well done. Hmm... Have you any news about a new visitor here?" She asked quietly.

"No, your Majesty." Ace replied confused.

Rachel turned from the balcony and grinned. "She'll come. Trust me she will." She let out a sinister laugh as she turned back around to overlook her gardens. She paused for a second before turning and shutting the two heavy Oak-Wood doors behind her. Etched in the Oak, were random designs of silly wondrous things. She shooed away Commander Ace and sat down at the edge of her four post bed. It was an amazing bed, made of ivory and had silk sheets. Her pillows had the best Dodo-bird feathers in all of Wonderland. Rachel sat down and sighed. She hated feeling so lost.


"Alice! Alice! Where are you?" Rachel screamed in panic. Fear made her voice shake, and her hands tremble. They had finally gotten through a door by drinking a magic potion with the label "drink me". After eating a small cake labeled "eat me", they began to grow back to their original height. But with all of the confusion, Rachel couldn't see Alice anymore.

"A-alice... please," she cried out into the heavily wooded area.  The feeling of helplessness crashed over her. She couldn't figure out where she was. Tripping over a fallen branch she finally collapsed against a tree.

"Going somewhere?" A very cheery voice asked. Terrified Rachel jumped up, her brown hair clinging to her face.

"W-who are you?" Rachel called out. Bluffing she picked up a big stick. Her dress was ruined, her hair was a mess, her shoes were caked in mud, and with that she started to cry.

"Ahhh... tears aren't the best for your hair." The voice chuckled out loud.

Frustrated, Rachel angrily screams, "WHO ARE YOU? All I did was follow my SISTER, and now in some kind of...some kind of... WONDERLAND! "

"I am Cheshire the Cat. You can call me Chess, for I am an expert on all things strategy." The voice boasted.

"Where is my sister?" Rachel asked weakly.

"Your sister. What does she look like?" Cheshire asked.

'WHERE ARE YOU?" Rachel yelled. All of a sudden a pair of yellow eyes popped out of nowhere. Along with a set of yellow, glowing teeth.

"I'm everywhere..." Cheshire grinned, then disappeared.

"Will you help me or not?" Rachel demanded.

"I mustn't. I have places to see....places to gooo..." His voice was fading away.

"Wait! Please...I'm lost..." Rachel sobbed, reaching towards darkness.


Rachel jerked upwards in her bed. "What..." She asked herself while clutching at her head. Groaning she got out of bed and languidly walked towards the balcony. Throwing open the wooden doors she leaned against the railing.

"Where are you little Alice? Where are you?" Rachel whispered to the roses. Of course there was no response.

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