Chapter 20

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Fletcher closed the door of the pub, following behind Bear. They entered the taxi that was waiting patiently for them. 

"Why are you coming with me?" Fletcher asked Bear.

"I could ask you the same question," replied Bear.

"Bear, I have to get to schoo-" 

"Oh look, we've arrived!" exclaimed Bear, like it was the last thing he would ever say. Fletcher puzzled. "No, we haven't, we only just got in the taxi,"

"Oh yeah." Fletcher just stared.

After what seemed like forever the taxi arrived at the school gates, and Bear quickly ran off. It was a raining, cloudy and dismal Tuesday. After Fletcher wandered through the school gates, wondering what the hell Bear was on about in the taxi, he was greeted by Silk.

"Hey, um, did you know Bandit's looking for you?"

"What? No." They both ran in to escape from the rain. Silk headed down the corridor while Fletcher went up the stairs to the headmaster's office. While walking up, he pondered over what a life power, like Silk had, would do. this caused him to turn and call for her again.

"You remember when I first came here, you said your element was life; what does that do, can you make plants grow at will?" She laughed.

"My power's light,"

"So, you can create floor lighting, ceiling lighting..." Through Silk's irritation, she rolled her eyes and raised her hand with her palm up to the sky, and a beam of brilliant white light burst from her fingertips, charring the stones that made up the ceiling of the hallway. 

After what seemed like hours of searching, Bear finally found the correct corridor. The spell was designed to keep children away, it was useless against Bear. He charged down the corridor. Images rushed into his head, urging him to go on. At the end of the corridor was a thick metal door, which he burst straight through. He fell on the floor and rolled forward to his feet. in front of him was a chest, which he slammed his fists into. he pried it open and inside was a piece of parchment. it was tied together with a musty rope. he opened it up and read the small piece of paper. His jaw dropped. He pulled out a phone from his pocket and raised it to his face and hollered.


The Unpleasant life of Fletcher AinsleyWhere stories live. Discover now