The Story of the Beginning

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Chapter 1

Yaedliz’ POV

It all started four years ago when I was in middle school, it was lunch break and I was talking to my friends Ann, Melody and Alex. We were laughing, joking, eating and sharing ideas of how our morning classes had gone, which was kind of silly since we took all our classes together. Well, Melody told Ann that an old friend of her wanted to get to know her and that made Ann blush a little. We immediately started to mock her because of the light shade of pink she had tooked.

When we finish with our lunches we finally got up from the table and went to dump the leftovers. Ann was the first one in the line of twenty students followed by Alex, Melody and I was at the end of the line consequences of being the last one to stand up from the table. Finally it was my turn to empty my tray after waiting for ten minutes but someone collided with me making me stumble and almost made the leftovers in my tray end up on my head.

I turned to look for the person that collided with me. When I turned to see who collided with me, I meet with a pair of light brown eyes looking straight at me and made me realize that I was looking at him too. He took a few steps towards me and bended down to pick something up from the floor. He straightened up and extended his hand handing me something which made me freak out a bit. He smiled at me when he noticed that I wasn’t going to react.

“Hey. I think you accidentally dropped this when we bumped into each other”. He said getting a little closer to me. Once he was close enough he opened his hand letting me take a glance at what he was handing to me. I was surprised to see my cell phone in his hand. I think I must have dropped it when we bumped.

“Yeah, thanks for picking it up. And I’m really sorry about bumping into you.” I said nervously taking my phone from his hand and giving him a small shy smile.

“Don’t mention it and don’t worry about bumping into me it was my fault because I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He answered with a smile. “Oh how rude of me. Hi my name is Damon.” He said stretching his hand for me to shake.

“Hey I’m Yaedliz. Nice to meet you.” I said shaking his extended hand and smiling to him.

“Well, thanks again but I have to go.” I said awkwardly turning to leave.

“Yeah, bye Yaedliz.” He answered and with that he turned around and started walking towards the lunch tables.

Once he walked away I got to the trash can and emptied my tray and left the lunchroom. Outside Alex was waiting for me.

“What took you so long?” Alex asked giving me a curious look.

“Nothing I accidentally bumped into a guy.” I answered not really paying attention to how Alex reacted.

“Ok. Let’s go get Melody and Ann they’re at the bathroom doing ‘girl stuff’ like always.” Alex said quoting the phrase girl stuff.

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