The Friendship Breakup

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Chapter III:

Damon’s POV


It was Friday, my favorite day of the week and two of my teachers were absent so I had two free periods. My first free period was my second one which meant I had one class, so I headed for my classroom with my best friend Kyle. We are together since pre-school and he’s been my best friend since. When we arrived at our classroom our teacher immediately started the class. Minutes later the teacher asked me to go to another classroom and ask the teacher if he had a book. I got up from my seat and went to the door and out to the hallway. I was going to round a corner when I crashed with someone and we both landed butt on the floor. I looked for the person and could swear that I’ve seen that long brown hair somewhere. I managed to stand up and walked to where the other person had landed. When I reached the person I realized that it was a girl, so I placed myself in front of her so I could help her up from the floor. It seemed like the girl hadn’t noticed my presence because of the sudden froze position she gained when she lifted her head a little but not enough for me to see who it was. I crouched and placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to direct her gaze in my direction. Just as the girl lifted her face I went in wonder after realizing who it was. Now I realized from where I’ve seen that brown hair and from where I recognized it. It was her.

“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” I asked a bit worried since she was with a hand on the back of her head.

“Yeah, I think so.” She answered clearly insecure.

“Does your head hurt? Did you hit your head?” I asked this time sounding very worried and nervous.

“Yes it hurts a little and I’m not sure if I hit my head.” She answered trying to stand

“Let me help you Yaedliz.” I said stretching my hand to her.

“Ok.” She simply replied handing me her hand to help her stand from the floor.

“Are really ok?” I asked her with concern in my voice.

“I think so, but thanks.” She answered me with a small smile on her face.

“Don’t mention it.” I replied with a smile.

“Bye, I have to go I’m supposed to be at class.” She said and immediately ran beside me.

Once she had left I just stayed there thinking of all the times I had stumble with this week. Man that girl seems pretty nice. Just hope she doesn’t end like the other girls. I really have to prevent it she seems real nice and different. Well, I also said that about the last girl. My life sure is a big, ugly mess and the worst part is that I keep bringing nice people to it. When they succeed and get away from me they just assume I wanted to hurt them all along, but the truth is that I don’t really know how to love or be loved and I shelter myself with the worst thing I could think of…

Yaedliz’ POV

Just as I was only two classrooms away from mine I found myself on the floor. When I looked in front of me I saw some guy getting up from the floor. I could just swear that I’ve seen that smooth black hair somewhere but where?

Just as I was about to say something the boys that on the floor in front of me said something and it hit me. I can’t believe it was him again. How many times am I going to bump into him? Yes, it was Damon.

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