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I wake up in a big nice room and look to my right and see Dinah...WAIT DINAH what the fuck am I doing here

"Oh hey your awake" Dinah says

"Yea uh where are we" I say

"My house" she says giggling

"Dinah this is YOUR house" I say

"Yea why" she said

"It's so big and nice" I say

"Thank you mani you wanna go get food" she says while I look at my phone and see I have 28 missed calls from zendaya she's probably so mad.

"Actually I gotta get home I'm sorry" I say feeling sorry

"I don't want you to go home on an empty stomach mani" she says

"I know but zenda...." I says stopping myself

"Oh you gotta go home to her" she says crossing her arms

"Kinda" I say

"Normani what the fuck" she says

"What" I say

"How are you just gonna leave me again after what happened yesterday is she gonna hurt you something" she says getting closer to me I back up a little

"No Dinah she's not but I just have to get home to her" I say and she walks closer to me and cups my cheeks

"Normani you please tell me the truth I just want o help you because I love you come live with me in my house" she says looking into my eyes

"Dinah I don't know I would have to talk to her" I said

"Normani stop bringing her up and hit break up with her so we can be together" she said

"Dinah" I said with tears coming down my face she wiped them

"Normani if your scared that she's gonna do something I'll go with you to your house right now and help you get your thing and we could just leave and if she lays a finger on you I'll hurt her so bad so please just stay with me where your safer I just want you safe and with me in my arms" she said hugging me and I hugged her back tight I wanted to stay in her arms forever I love her scent I loved everything about her.

"Okay" was all I said before I started crying in her arms

"You wanna go get food baby or you wanna eat here" she told me I was really hungry and wanted some waffles

"Let's go to IHOP and get food" I said

"Whatever you want" she said kissing my forehead

We got in her car and went to IHOP it was sunny and Calm we got there and walked into IHOP we order our food and ate I got a call from zendaya and I answered it

"Hello" I said

"Mani where the fuck are you I've been so worried" she said

"With a friend" I said not caring

"Who!!!" She said screaming

"It doesn't matter what do you want" I said not caring

"Don't give me attitude Normani who are you with" she said getting more angry

"Are you gonna tell me what you want cause if not Ima hang up" I said

"Mani don't you han-" she said but I hung up the phone

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