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Dinahs POV

Today Me, Lauren, Camila, Normani, Ally, Kehlani, Ashley, And shawn were all going to a party one of normani's friends her name was jilly, it was a big new years party everyone is gonna be there its probably gonna be the biggest party of the year.

"Dinah" normani said to meI was focused on the road. Normani and I had just came back from the mall

"yes"  I said looking at her

"what time is jilly's part tonight?" normani said

"it's at 7:00 i believe" i said

"cool" she said

we reach my house and enter and kehlani and lauren are sitting on the couch allys in the kitchen baking something and ashley and camila are eating.

"dinah iv'e been waiting for you to come home" kehlani said standing up up and walking towards me

"why" i said backing up a little

"cause i wanted to play a basketball game with you lets go" she says running to our back yard

"okay?" i said giggling and walking out to the back yard lauren following behind me

"so keh why do you wanna play a basketball game with me" i said walking up to her

"cause i may have gotten a tryout to be on the WNBA Los angles Sparks's" she said Dusting off her shoulders

"No way lani!! That's amazing" I said hugging her and jumping up and down

"Yea tryouts are in two months so I gotta practice real hard and I know you used to play basketball" she said

"Okay yea I'll help you what ever you need" I said

"Thanks Dinah" she said hugging me

I went to go Change and came out in a navy blue t shirt that said Paris on it and some short short black spandex shorts and Air Force 1s

"Ooo look at you Dinah Jane" Lauren said coming out with a beer in her hand

"Oh my gosh Lauren" I said giggling

Mani, Camila and Ashley were in the pool next to us and normani is just eyeing me down, I walk over to her and bend down to her level she rest her arms and the edge of the pool.

"Hey" I said

"Hi" she said

"You like the pool" I said smiling at her

"Yea it feels good on my back the cold water" she said

"I remember for my birthday when we first went to that cave you made me carry you cause you didn't want to feel the cold water" I said smiling

"Yea I remember but also cause I couldn't swim" she said laughing

"That too" I said

"Yo Dj come on" kehlani said

"I'll talk to you later" I said getting up and walking to kehlani

"Are we gonna do this or what" she said

"Hell yea we are" I said getting the ball from her. I'm a very competitive person when it comes to basketball so I'm not going easy on her.

Every one was watching me and kehlani play basketball the girls leaning forward on the edge of the pool and Lauren and ally cuddling in the couch out side by the pool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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