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{Cheng-Lei above. I know this is Jason from A.C.E and he's Korean not Chinese but, I felt as if he would fit best in this story}

I finally let out a sigh of relief as everyone left the classroom. The period was finally over and it was now time for lunch. But right now, lunch could wait. I was now in class alone, standing near the open window of my classroom. I closed my eyes trying to recollect the events from earlier. I can still see his devilish eyes staring back at mine, with such determination. He still looked gorgeous, even as he stared at me with – what looked like, pure hatred. Maybe, I did something wrong. What if he had somehow found out about me watching him during class and before school.

"Gosh, I literally have no time for this..." I mumble aloud as I fumble with my fingers. Suddenly, I felt strong slender arms wrap around my waist.

"No time - for what?" a deep raspy voice mumbled close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath travel down my neck. Chills erupted from underneath my skin as I jumped at the soft touch. Opening my eyes I quickly threw the unknown figures arms from around me as I vigorously turned to face none other than Xi, himself. His face was only centimeters from mine and I could see his facial features so clearly now. His creased eyebrows and dark brown eyes. His lips- his plump kissable lips. I almost couldn't resist. I bit down on my bottom lip – hard. This would help me keep in the urge to literally plunge onto him.

"Huh? Oh." Was all I could manage to spit out. I literally felt as if my heart would leap out of my chest. It was pounding way too vigorously. "I'm sorry but, can you..." I mumble as I point a finger towards him. He glances down at my finger with an amused look played on his face. I've never seen this side of him before so, I couldn't help but stare.

"Can I... what?" he asked almost scoffing. I raise my hands to his chest almost ready to push him away but instead he leans closer pressing his chest against my small chubby hands.

"What are you doing?" I ask surprised as I drop my hands to my sides. "Please, move." I say almost whining. He grins and places his hands beside me on the window seal – trapping me in place. I grow startled and move back farther towards the window. If he moved any closer I be forced to jump out the window. Looking down I place my hands on his and throw them to his side once again.

"Baby, could you stop playing so hard to get?" He says amused. I bet this is just a joke to him. A silly joke, and I was nothing more to him than garbage. Tears almost rimmed my eyes as I raised my hands and pushed him violently away from me.

"Stay away from me!" I almost yelled aloud as I ran past him, grabbing my bag on the way out. What did I just do? Oh my god. I pushed Xi. The school's heart throb and biggest bad boy. Was he going to come after me? Would he order his friends to find and bully me? Gosh, I fucked up. Heading down the hallway, I hurriedly made my way to the lunch room. I needed to escape these empty hallways and find a crowded area. But then again, even if I did go to lunch... I would just be tormented by bullies who know I'm a gay "fag". I suddenly stopped at the lunch room doors. I couldn't go in there. Not now, not today. Not ever again. I just can't. Walking towards the washroom I sigh as I can feel my face growing hot. Tears rimmed my eyes as I tried to blink them away. How – why am I about to cry? I needed to stay strong. As I walked into the
washroom, I almost died of shock.

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