Belphegor & his not so innocent but scheming sister.

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Protecting Innocence


I doez not own khr :3

For: RianeDaisuke28 (did I spell that right? )



As an extremely royal prince, Belphegor felt that he could do whatever he wanted (as long as it doesn't prompt the boss to kill him).

"Ushishishi~ This is--"

"Bel-sempai, you finally realised that it was about time you got yourself a wife, I see. Never thought that you could actually get one."Fran interrupted.

Said prince hurled a barrage of knives at the teen.


The girl frowned at the blonde.

"Violence is unacceptable, Bel-nii! What happened to manners and discipline?!"

Fran gave a monotonous, sarcastic laugh.

"Bel-sempai made them run away due to horror."

"Shut up, froggy!"

Lussuria grinned, "Why, hello!"

"Ossu! I'm [Y.n]! And you're?"

"My! How adorable! The name's Lussuria, honey~"

Squalo growled at [Y.n].

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"Ara~ You never told me that there was a tarzan from the jungle in the Varia, Bel-nii~ Well, ohaiyo, animal-san! Watashi wa--- Wait, can he understand civilized language?"

Belphegor smirked, "Ushishi~ Didn't the prince remind you to learn the 'Voi' language?"

"Ah, I must've forgotten!"

Squalo was so tempted to slice the two into pieces.


"...Does that mean 'Nice to meet you too'?" [Y.n] asked.

"Squ-chan! How many times must I tell you?!"Lussuria gave an exasperated sigh, "Indoor voices!"


Belphegor (somehow) kicked the silverette out of a conveniently open window.

"Don't you dare insult the prince's sister, idiota peasant!"




Fran shrugged, "There's a first time for everything."

"That was so cool, Bel-kun! Defending poor [Y.n]-chan here!"Lussuria cooed, grinning.

However, the siblings were already gone, off to devise a wonderfully well-manoeuvred revenge.

One that does not involve (too much) blood and/or violence (like hell it won't).

(-Insert pineapple's laugh here-)


~That night~

Due to a certain pair of twins continuously dropping hints about his upcoming death (they were just threats...I think.), Squalo tried to sleep with an eye open that night.

But he failed miserably so everyone except the boss and the twins who escaped to...Let's say Hawaii, had to deal with a grouchy Squ-chan the next morning.

Protecting innocenceWhere stories live. Discover now