Marvin the Magnificent: Magic in The Air

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   I was sitting in a cheap chair watching a cheap magic show, that's how this all started.  I was there for a little bit of fun, I enjoyed messing with boring phony magicians.  Like making their tricks actually work, making them trip, controlling their speech.  Life was boring as a young single sorceress, I had to find a way to entertain myself.

  I smirked as the magician walked on stage, looking simple like all the rest, a phony.  I decided to start slow with a little trip, but I felt something blocking my power.  Strange.... He seemed to smirk, continuing to walk on stage.  Maybe this man was more than he seemed, but there was only way to test it.  I had to see his magic tricks.

  For his first trick, he made doves fly from his sleeves, and I could sense something strange, but I still wasn't convinced.   For the next trick, he made a flame appear on his finger tip, and I was convinced.  The show continued, he amazed the ignorant audience members as I sat back and watched, a smug expression on my face.

  Finally, for his last trick, he said "I regret to tell you this, but our show is coming to a close.  I, however, am pleased to tell you for my last trick I will need a member from the audience to join me on the stage."  I raised an eyebrow and smirked, knowing where this was going.  "Ah, yes.  The woman in the beautiful clothes, please come join me." He said theatrically.

I got up and sauntered over to the stage, still smirking.  For his trick, he grabbed my hand, kissed it, and suddenly our outfits had switched.  I now wore his suit, and he my clothes.  The audience roared with laughter as I snickered and he winked at me.  Finally, I leaned in, kissed his cheek and sauntered off stage.

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