Interigation. 1.

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In this section I do not factor in the last few scenes of the woman on the beach. That will be discussed later. In my mind and for the purpose of me adding a little bit the scenes in the tv. Is in the future and they are looking back on the trivia night vs. the near future of them on r beach.
The following scene could be during all the silence in the interaction room in the show or not. Your decision. This is after Perry fell.
Fade in.
Celeste is in the interigation room.  She is in shock and in a panic.
She looks as though she is drunk or been beaten. She is not drunk. She notices every moment but is slow in speech.

Celeste: I remember we... were ... I was going to talk to Jane and Madeline.

Detective 1.: Why did you go to talk to them.

Celeste: Because those are the people I went with and for. To... check in.

Detective 1.: Was this when Perry got pushed?   Tell me Celeste what happened up there ?

Celeste : I was talking to Madeline and Jane. Renata then came over. And then Perry.
I uh I didn't want to go with him and that's when he starting too hurt me. He um he decided — to uh —to kick me again. And I think that's when he —he must've taken a step back and — he fell.

On the other side of the glass.
Detective 2. Why lie about it.

Celeste: Breathes heavy. Looks down at her brushed arms. And back up at the detective.

Detective 1.: Did you push him?  Because here's the thing Celeste. I think you pushed
him. He was hurting you, he has been hurting you for some time now. Yes?
Looks at Celeste as the detective knows for sure this is the truth.
And you just couldn't take it anymore. You and your rich fancy friends have been lying this entire evening.

Celeste I didn't—

Door opens.

Lawyer: Celeste , honey. Come on let's go.

Looks to Celeste and then the detective.

Lawyer : Hello. I'm Celeste lawyer. Any questions asked to Mrs. wright.  or  any one else you spoke too tonight will not be used for further analyzed. Understood?

Detective 1. Excuse me but mrs.  Wright here is a laywer. She's capable of handling herself.

Laywer  1.: Is she? So if your husband died god forbid and you were violently abused for years as you speculated, might I add... I should let you speak with out knowing what you are speaking. 
the detective looks at the laywer
Come on Celeste, let's go.
Celeste follows the laywer out the door. She starts too look back at the lawyer who is leaned back against the far wall. Her back against the one way glass. The lawyer puts her hand on Celeste back. Celeste turns back around.

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