Chapter 1 : That Girl

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"Hey. Why do you keep on passing by at this way? Do you want to die?" Said the boy who is much bigger than me. "Is it not enough that Kang Chanhee studies here, you want to gain attention from the students here also? Gosh I am so annoyed."

"Yah, he is not yet an idol, we can slightly damage his face so that he can learn his lessons, right?" One of his friends asked and everyone agreed.

To he honest, I am not afraid of them. I did martial arts when I am still young, so I know how to protect myself. I just don't want to start a fight with them. The company might know it and give me a sanction.

But I guess they are unstoppable, so I'm readying myself in case.. Just when the fight will finally start, I heard a loud scream.

"Yah what are you doing?!?! Are you gangsters or students? And you call yourself "man"??? Five versus one is so unfair. Y'all just leave or I'll call the police!!!?"

She has a long wavy black hair. Her skin color is not the usual white, but is glowing. Her eyes is diamond-shaped, with long lashes above it. She is in a yellow uniform, same as Chani's and the guys I just encountered. She is cute. And brave. She has a lot of charisma. And I think I am interested in her.

While I was busy scanning the beaut in front of me, I didn't realized that the boys were gone already.

"Hi. Are you alright? They were from the same school as me, but I really don't know them. I'm sorry if they're causing trouble. Hm. Well if you are not hurt, then it's good. I'll go ahead, you take care." She shined as she smiled at me. Or I think I am hallucinating. She already passed by me before I snapped out of my thoughts, and embarrassingly shouted. "Wait!" She turned around, confused. "Can I know your name?" I somewhat feel nervous, as if I'm waiting for a "yes" on an audition. That's how nerve-wrecking to ask a girl's name? Oh dear.

"I don't think I can give personal information to a stranger. But I'll let you know that I just transfered here. Have a great day ahead." She bowed and then headed to the gate. I was a bit disappointed, but I feel happy all of a sudden. D*mn Hwiyoung. Seriously?

I headed at the dorm and searched for Chani.

"Hey Chani~ya. Do you know someone in your school that just transferred today? She's a girl, by the way."

"I don't know... did you said she transferred today? Well I'm not attending school since yesterday because of practice for our debut. Why? did you passed by our school again? Yah, some guys are really angry about you being popular to girls there. You should stop stalking Abi. I told you she'll be transferring to a school in the Philippines."

/Omo. Abi./ I almost forgot about her because of that transferree.

"I just wanted to see her before she leave for Manila. She became cold to me ever since  she knew that I know already she is going to study abroad. I understand her. She might be sad and upset 'cause she has a lot of friends here. I want to comfort her, but she doesn't want to see me." I pouted.

I miss her... so much.

"But hey, why are you asking about a transferee. Is she pretty? Are you interested in her? Yah Kim Hwiyoung. I thought you devoted your love to Abi. You are a man after all.." Chani said with his sheepish smile.

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