Chapter 2 : Hot and Cold

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"Thank you so much for somehow remembering me. But I will still not tell my name." I transferred to his other side. And scan him again.

"But you look so down.. Should I treat you with some ice cream? Whenever I don't feel good I always eat something sweet, maybe it can work for you too?"

"Well.. can you treat me something else? I don't really like ice cream." He still have a straight face.

"But.. It somewhat resembles you.. So cold."

He was still quiet. "Hahah! Sorry, I was tryna make you laugh. It doesn't work though.." I suddenly wanted to disappear because of embarassment.

"Whatever! What did you want to eat, and where? Let us go!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him with all my strength.

We went to a small store just near the school. It was actually a coffee shop, and a mini book store as well. You can read comics, novels, etc. for free BUT you have to buy something from the coffee shop. Of course, nothing is absolutely free nowadays. The price of their menu is a little bit pricey, I might say. But they serve a variety of flavors of iced and hot, and even pastries.

The orders have made, and we were just waiting for it to be served. An awkward minuted had passed, and I wanted to break the silence, so I asked some random stuff.

"Can I know how old are you?" It was an out-of-the-blue question and I want to take it back 'cause he might think I'm weird. But surprisingly, he responded. "I'm 20 years old. How about you?"

I ignored his question and questioned his answer. "How come you're 20? Aren't you 18 years old only?" I gave him a confused look, and finally saw an upward curve in his lips. "Wow. How did you know my real age? Do you happen to know who I am?"

I got nervous when he asked me, but the food arrived just in time so I took advantage of it and divert his attention to something.

"Woah, isn't this delicious? Mmm. I never tasted something this good back on my place. Indeed, the price of the food here is just right." I gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

"Of course. I won't eat something that is not delicious."

/Wow, he is really something. At times you'll think he is gentle, but nope, he is so full of himself. Why did I asked him out in the first place. I must be crazy./

"Anyways, where are you from? It seems like, you are not from here." He asked.

"I came from.. the Philippines. I am an exchange student. I just came a bit earlier than the original schedule." I stated. But his expression changed after I told him where I am from.

"Is your place beautiful? Is it safe there? Can foreign people adjust quickly when they stay there?" He has a lot of questions, huh.

"It is a third-world country, yes. But we have a lot of beautiful places in there. As for the safety.. Well there is no such thing as safe place here in the world. Even here, you are not guaranteed safe, right? But one thing is for sure, that anyone can be happy once they go there. People are very warm and hospitable, and we always smile and laugh even though we have problems. Anyone in any part of the 7000 islands can be your friend." I finished my explanation with a smile.

"That's a good thing, I am releived." 

"By the way, you speak well. Your speech is very inviting. Hope I can visit there soon."

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