Open heart, open mind

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Aph pov
So Aaron a famous singer heard and likes my singing, wow he's so hot...
Aph blushes
I felt my face heat up a bit so I turned away,

"Aphmau are you ok" he asked concerned making aph blush more
"Y yeah I'm f fine" I said embarrassed
"Why are you so embarrassed" he asked in a voice that made all the ladies fall for him if there were any there other then Aph
"You can tell" I asked
"Yeah I mean honestly it's all over your face right now" he said to me
"Well if you want to know it's because of you" I stated while turning to face him
"What why me" he questioned me
"Well no one has heard me sing, your famous and pretty freaking cutie" I said with confidence still blushing 
"Oh you think so how about we change how people look at you hmm how does that sound" he told me
"It sounds good real good" I run up to him and hug him

After that the work began we wrote songs then we went to lunch in the cafeteria together and everyone wouldn't stop looking at us while we laughed about silly things we did prior to lunch. Some people even stared in disbelief to be honest it felt so good to be with someone that wouldn't treat me like crap.

(Aph thinking)
I really like Aaron he's so nice

(Aaron thinking)
I think I'm going to ask Aph to be my duet partner for the school show and get her away from the jerks here, it's settled then I'm going to addition for that school with her

Aaron and Aph go outside so they can talk.

"Hey Aph I have a question" he asked me
"What is it Aaron" I questioned
"Well I was thinking of us changing schools I've seen how people treat you here and the school I was thinking is the music school up the hill" he told me
"What really what about my father" I asked
"He won't be a problem you don't need a parent to sign up for the school" he said and I hugged him
"I would love to Aaron thank you so much but what song do we use" I said
"The one we've been working on" he told me
"So how do we audition" I asked
"A show but you will have me there this school and some others in the area"
He told me
"I don't know if I can do it" I say nervously
"You will be fine and I think it's time for them to know how good you are" he said and I agreed to it. However I'm nervous....

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