The Strong Stuff

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Angelica's heart was pounding out of her chest. She had tunnel vision on her destination, the wind pulled on her hair tight, making feel as if her head was going to start to bleed, but none of that mattered. She knew exactly where Ben would be.

She looked up briefly, the tornado was approaching faster than she thought. She quickly down the row of the boy's lodges. She felt her heart sink when she saw her destination. A pine tree had been blown over, straight into the lodge. She clenched her fists and ran up to the door.

She kicked it open, she was met with very little breathing space, most wood planks and leaves were in her face.

"BEN!!!" She screamed, though her voice was mostly drowned out by the wind. "NEIL!!!"

She sighed, that tactic wasn't going to work. She ran into the lodge head first. She broke off the branches in front of her, they scratched and clawed at her skin but she pushed on, continuing to yell out their names.

A faint cry could be heard from further in the lodge. It sounded as if in distress. A horrible imagine flashed in Angelica's mind.

"I'M COMING BOYS! HANG TIGHT!" She called back, quickening her pace.

She finally reached the back wall, where the trunk had fallen. The screams were louder now, almost distinguishable.


"Where are you!?" Angelica yelled back. Pushing back against the wind was becoming a struggle, almost knocking her off her feet multiple times.

"UNDER THE-" The words were cut off into a mumble.

Angelica ran up alongside the trunk until there was a strange ramp. She fell to her knees and scanned under. In the darkness she saw a pair of four eyes in a terrified panic.

"I'll get you out!" She screamed. She dung her hands under the log. 1, 2, 3. She pulled with all her strength, it moved but she couldn't keep it up for long enough.

"PLEASE THEY AREN'T BREATHING!!" The voice screamed.

Angelica tried again, adding more force than before. Her arms felt as if they could fall off. She could feel her feet slightly lifting off the round. She tried her best to plant them on the floor, she pushed again but to no prevail.

Suddenly to began to lift easier. She looked around the room. A smirk went across her face. Lucas was next to her, pulling up the log too.

"You are an absolute mad man." She called, though he couldn't hear her over the monstrosity of weather they were stuck in.

They pulled again, lifting it off the round. Angelica grunted in pain. She could barely see, the wind was slashing against her eyes and they were beginning to tear up.

Her arms gave way and she dropped the log. She felt as if she was going to faint. She turned over to Lucas who was looking behind her. She turned to see Neil grabbing onto an unconscious Ben. Neil had tears streaming down his face and was clearly freaking out.

"J-Jackson... H-He..." He began to cry out. Angelica turned back over to the log, it was still on a slight slop. She sighed, she couldn't save them all. She pushed back her tears and mustered up her composure.

"WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!" Angelica screamed, though the wind was uncontrollable at this point.

Suddenly they heard another crash, Angelica looked up to see another tree crashing through the roof. She dived forward, scooping Ben and Neil into her arms on her impact. They just missed being crushed again. She picked up Ben and grabbed Neil by the hand, dragging them out of the lodge with Lucas just behind them.

Neil was dragging, not able to keep up with Angelica's pace. He suddenly felt his feet be whisked off the ground. He looked up to see Lucas had thrown him onto his back and now was carrying him. They caught up to Angelica as they ran up to the main lodge.

Neil turned back to the lodge they were just in. It was absolutely destroyed, along with most of the camp. He squinted to see through the bashing winds.

"Angelica how do you plan to get them out of here?" Lucas yelled, even Neil struggled to hear him and he was right next to him.

"I've got an idea. Follow me!" She screamed back, running towards to main lodge.

Neil clutched on tighter in fear as Lucas ran faster. They dashed into the lodge, glass was smashed against the floor, walls had been torn down and the roof had started to cave in. Neil began to doubt Angelica's idea as they went into the kitchen.

Angelica kicked open the storage room door. When they entered there was a trapdoor in the floor. Angelica jumped down without hesitation, Lucas followed, shaking up Neil. It was a long drop but somehow they had landed safely.

Angelica sat Ben up against a wall in the dimly lit room. The sounds of the wind had dyed down. It was almost peaceful. Angelica sat down next to her brother, needing a moment to catch her breath. Lucas put Neil down who ran over to Ben. Lucas looked around the room, it seemed as if they were in a wine cellar.

"How'd you know this was here?" He asked as he browsed the shelves.

"Don't question my methods." Angelica puffed. She rolled over to look at Ben. She felt his wrist and sighed a breath of relief. "Thank god." Her voice quivered.

She shot a look at Neil who was terrified. "What were you doing at the lodge?" She sighed, she pulled Neil close to hug him.

"W-We wanted to be alone. I-I didn't know t-this would happen!" Neil exclaimed. "If I had know I-I-"

"I know. It's fine Neil. All that matters is that you both are safe." Angelica said softly. Neil yawned in her arms. "Why don't you join Ben for a nap?"

"Y-Yeah..." He said, slightly red faced. He snuggled next to Ben, putting his arms around him.

Angelica smiled to herself before turning over to where Lucas was. He had a bottle in his hand and sat down next to her. He popped off the cork and took a sip from the bottle.

"I guess legal age doesn't matter anymore." Angelica said raiding her eyebrow.

"It's not my first drink." Lucas said coldly. "That was about five years ago."

"Jesus Lucas. How did your parents allow that?" Angelica scoffed.

"Maybe after a few drinks." He muttered. He passed over the bottle, "Want some?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Do I look like I am?" She looked him in the eye. His face was dead and cold. He looked like a soldier who'd just come back from war. A guy who'd seen some stuff.

"Don't tell Ben." She said, taking the bottle from his hand. She chugged a sip before spitting it out, coughing it up. "That's disgusting!"

Lucas chuckled, taking it from her. "I'll get you some wine to start with then. You seem like a light weight."

"That was beer wasn't it?" Angelica coughed into her sleeve, wiping the alcohol from her mouth.

"Maybe." He called back from the shelves. "Or it was tequila."


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