Prolouge: Arrival

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It was always boring being stuck with ones older brother, even more boring when chained at the wrists and ankles while the elder tugged the younger across the roof of The Avengers Tower. Loki looked at Thor with a spine shivering glare, but the blond was used to such looks so he ignored it easily. He tugged the chains around Loki's wrists a little harder, making the raven haired man growl in discomfort.

"Must the chains be necessary, brother?" The God of Mischief spit the word out like it was venom and Thor turned to give him a sharp look.

"You know you cannot be trusted."

The younger laughed darkly, giving him a malicious grin. "After all this time, you still do not trust me? Your lovable baby brother? Oh, you hurt me so." The sarcasm dripped from Loki's lips which only made Thor roll his eyes. Of course he couldn't trust his brother, who would?

Once at the elevator the larger male turned towards the slightly shorter one, his Alpha kicking in and radiating off of him making Loki glare and size him up. Loki narrowed his eyes, chest raising to make himself seem larger and chin tilting upwards. No matter how big Thor was, Loki was not going to be pushed around by another Alpha. An oaf of one at that. He stood his ground and maintained eye contact, emerald green against electric blue.

"This is to be your home now." Thor started. "You are under house arrest for the time being until you are deemed trustworthy again. These are the rules; you stay on your floor unless summoned, someone will bring you your meals and anything else you wish to have, there will be absolutely no challenging the other Alphas-Odin knows we do not need another battle on our hands-and most importantly, you will not touch the Omegas."

Loki smirked at the last rule. Thor knew his younger brother's reputation with the lower status in packs, he was a user. He never took the time to develop a connection with the person in the midst of passionate lovemaking, he merely released his pent up frustrations while in rut then sent the poor Omega and or Beta off with a broken heart.

Thor gave Loki a sharp look, making sure he understood his rules before pressing the elevator button. Once the doors slid open they both stepped inside and stood in silence for a while, until Loki spoke up, chains jingling around his wrists and ankles.

"Suppose I found my mate, may I touch an Omega then?" It was a poor excuse and they both knew it, because they shared a small laugh at the thought. Loki with one mate for the rest of his life? Now that was comical.

"Not even then, brother." Thor answered, leaning against the elevator rails.

A bell dinged and the doors opened to an empty corridor. The larger male tugged Loki along on the chains, heading for the door at the opposite end of the hall.

"You will meet with the team then be released to your new room. I advise you stay quiet, they aren't exactly happy to have you join them."

Loki gave a glare. "Likewise."

Ten feet from the door, he smelled it. An overpowering aroma so sweet he was nearly knocked off his feet. Loki stumbled for a moment, having to lean his back against the wall so he didn't hit the floor, heart pounding against his chest as his breath started to come in short bursts. Loki felt an unusual amount of strength course through him, so strong he knew he could break the chains around him easily, and he wanted to. He wanted to rip them to shreds so he could find the source of the delectable scent invading all his senses.

Loki knew what he was smelling, something so rare and so deliciously sweet. Thor immediately rushed to his brother, holding his shoulders as he almost slid to the floor with a groan.

"Loki? Loki! What is wrong?!" Thor worriedly shouted, shaking the raven haired man.

Loki looked up into his brothers eyes and Thor was taken aback at how wide his younger brothers pupils were. The emerald color was almost completely swallowed by black. Loki's cheeks were flushed and his skin was coated in a light sheen of sweat as he trembled in Thor's huge hands, his lips parted while he heaved for air. A low growl emanated from the back of Loki's throat, a snarl forming on his face, sharp canines showing. A terrible realization hit Thor, he knew these signs.

Before he could utter a word Loki's deep voice broke the silence of the hall:


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