1: Welcoming The New Alpha

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

You groaned at the sound of your alarm clock, hand emerging from under the covers to slap it repeatedly until you found the off button. A yawn escaped you as you sat up in bed, covers falling from your top half while you ran a hand through your messy bed head. It was a peaceful Friday morning, the sun was shining brightly through your window which made you smile. You slipped out from under the warm covers and opened the curtains a little more, staring down at the bright, busy city that was New York. Living in The Avengers Tower had its perks, like the amazing view you had.

Looking back at the clock on your nightstand you realized you had only a few minutes to shower and get ready. The team was holding a small meeting for the new arrival at the tower. Thor's brother, Loki, was being moved in as rehabilitation for the actions he did months earlier. You hadn't been working for Mr. Stark at the time so this was your first meeting with the villain, hopefully things ended with only minor cuts and minimal bruising.

Once showered and dressed you headed to the living room where The Avengers were sitting looking very disgruntled. Tony stood behind the bar mixing himself a drink while Bruce whispered some things to him about not liking the idea of Loki living with them. Natasha was trying to comfort Clint, as was Wanda while her mate Vision held her hand to show his support. Steve sat with his mate Peggy on his lap, both talking in hushed tones and keeping close as they were the head of the pack. Steve was the Alpha of the group while Peggy was the head Omega. They had a good system. There were rarely any fights for power as the only other Alphas were James (Bucky) Barnes and Thor, but they were good friends with Steve and trusted him with their life to lead.

The pack was good and strong. Sure there were some debates at times but disputes were handled accordingly and without much violence. Steve and Peggy were the perfect team. You were the newest to the pack and the youngest, but everyone accepted you as their own which you were grateful for. Tony thought you were an essential to the team when he saw how well you worked with the others and hired you to look after them all like a second mother. Since Peggy was very busy with her work in S.H.I.E.L.D. it was your job to look over things and make sure everyone was well taken care of while she was away. Peggy valued your efforts and caring nature and left the tower to you with confidence. As you were an Omega, everyone loved and trusted you as the caretaker of them. 

Another reason why Tony hired you was because you were unpair-bonded. Without a mate you could devote your time wholeheartedly to the team without a distraction. You didn't mind it, you loved your job. You loved the people who were a part of your pack with all your heart so it was no trouble handling them. There were only a handful of unpair-bonded and that list consisted of; you, Sam Wilson, and Bucky Barnes. When you entered the group, being the newest and most vulnerable female, Steve thought there was going to be a problem with two males with no mates meeting an available Omega. His worries were quickly dismissed though as Bucky kept mostly to himself and Sam thought of you as a little sister.

So, life was good and stable.

You sat on a chair next to the couch and just watched silently as the team fussed over the Loki dilemma. You didn't voice your opinion because you knew the others all had firsthand encounters with The God of Mischief, and none of them good. Clint was mind controlled after all. The only people voicing unbiased reason were Vision and Wanda, as they had never met the guy.

"Perhaps we could all have a bit of compassion and put a little faith in Thor's decision to bring his brother here." Vision said.

Wanda nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, zis is for the good of the future to have Loki brought here for rehabilitation. He vill be monitored twenty-four-seven, no?"

Steve glared at the floor, holding Peggy tighter. "That still doesn't put me at ease."

"Well I think we should put the bastard in a box and bury him faaaar away. I'm thinking the Bermuda Triangle, anyone with me?" Tony spoke as he walked out from behind the bar, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Never thought I'd say this but I agree with Stark." Clint said and Natasha turned to him.


"He mind controlled me Nat! Does him coming here for rehab suddenly make that okay?!"

"No, of course not. I'm agreeing with Vision, let's just have some faith in Thor."

The team grumbled but said nothing, as arguing with Natasha was a death sentence. The room was enveloped in silence as the waiting game began, the only sounds were the occasional shifting or the clink of ice against glass when Tony took a sip of his drink. Wanting to pass the time you took out your phone and started scrolling through various social media accounts until there was the sharp sound of chains hitting a wall and Thor's booming voice.

"Loki? Loki! What is wrong?!"

The team was instantly on high alert. Steve jumped from his seat and set Peggy behind him while Natasha and Clint stood from the couch. Vision pulled Wanda up from her spot and held her close, eyeing the door which the commotion was coming from. There were muffled growls emanating from behind the door and what sounded like a struggle before Thor walked into the room with a wrecked looking Loki.

He stood next to Thor with his teeth bared, jet black hair a mess and breathing ragged while he growled deep in his throat. You stiffened from where you sat and your body instantly broke out in a sweat, heat boiling under your skin as you watched the new arrival scan the room with feral looking emerald green eyes. By god was the man gorgeous, even more so when he locked gazes with you. His eyes widened and his features softened, fists clenching in front of him where they were bound by chains. Something stirred inside of you, a new part of yourself you had never experienced before. Desire. Desire to have that Alpha all to yourself. Your body was humming as just his presence played you like a harp. You wanted nothing more than for him to keep plucking your strings.

There was a palpable shift in the air, one that immediately read Dominant Alpha. Your Omega instincts were kicking into overdrive against your will, you tilted your head back to show your exposed neck to the Alpha which made him growl in approval, taking a step towards you before Thor held him back by the chains.

"Remain calm brother I shall have her removed immediately-,"

"NO!" Loki snarled, gnashing his teeth at the blond. "As I told you in the hall, she is mine."

Steve stepped forward with Peggy and Natasha on either side of him. "What is going on?" As he stood in front of Thor and Loki the room exploded with powerful Alpha scent, it was so strong you cried out in surprise as a sharp pain enveloped your lower stomach, bringing you to your knees.

Every head turned to watch as you panted and trembled on the floor, skin flushed and glistening with a fine sheet of sweat. Your thighs spread as a warm wetness seeped through your underwear and down your legs, a moan escaping your lips as an unbearable rush of arousal coursed through you. The smell of you made each male shift and inhale deeply, fighting the urge to pounce. Tony gripped his glass so hard it shattered and Vision had to be escorted out by a very frantic Wanda while Natasha held Bruce close.

"Alpha," you called out and simultaneously Thor, Steve, and Loki took a step forward, their protective instincts kicking in at seeing a vulnerable Omega.

"You hear that? She calls for her Alpha." Loki glared, trying once again to get to you but again Thor held him back.

Peggy immediately caught Steve by the shoulder and turned to Natasha. "Get her out of here she is going into heat."

Natasha nodded and ran to you, picking you up with ease and taking you from the room while you gasped for breath and shook in her arms, sweat glistening on your forehead and beading down your temple. Suddenly the room erupted as Loki surged forward with a snarl, shattering the chains around him and the males launched into action, holding him back trying to restrain him.

"UNHAND ME YOU PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR HEROES SHE IS MINE TAKE YOUR FILTHY HANDS FROM ME I AM HER ALPHA YOU CANNOT KEEP US APART!" Loki kicked and punched with unnatural strength even for a god until finally; Steve, Tony, Clint, Thor, and Bruce had him pinned.

Loki roared with outrage as he was dragged away to the opposite side of the building, far away from you.

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