I Just Wanted

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I knew that time would end,

I didn't meant to break it,

I just wanted it to bend.

To keep this going,

what's between us,

It just wasn't meant to be I guess.

I just wanted a second chance,

I just wanted to get it right.

I'd just fuck it up again though,

Try as I might.

I was just reaching far too high,

As my fingers brushed it's polished surface,

As the tears started to well in my eyes.

For I knew I had just one shot,

Instead I undid the knot.

The one that held us together,

You and Me.

I just wanted happily ever after,

4h4 hours agoSent

I just wanted you to see,

How good I could be,

But you only saw the bad,

As I cry over what we had.

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