Interesting part

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As they were making out they slowly started to strip off their clothing. Diego's went off first as Dora said "My, what a big banana you have.." And that's when Boots fucking jumped in and said "What banana?" Than Boots looked at Diego's dick and started fucking eating it. He put it in his mouth and fucking bit off half of Diego's penis.  As half of Diego's penis flew into the air, Diego Started dying of blood loss. At this rate Diego would die! So to save him Dora shoved Diego's half penis inside of her vagina to stop the blood loss. However this also meant that Dora would get aids from Diego! Boots didn't know what to do and panicked. In the confusion he didn't realize he was shitting himself again as badly as he was in the forest and it was going everywhere! It was all over Diego and Dora as they were in a sex position holding in Diego's blood. Boots went to pick  up Diego's penis and shoved it back into Diego's other half dick just as Dora got off.

As Diego's blood returns to him and he stays alive Boots continues to sew on Diego's penis back together with his nasty ass fucking fur. Still turned on (fucking creeps) Dora starts fucking humping Boots in the back as he starts grunting and breathing heavily like the ape he is. As  she continues humping boots Diego's dick (fully attached now) goes BACK INTO FUCKING ACTION. YOU GOT FUCKING BOOTS LYING ON THE GROUND BEING HUMPED BY DORA AS DORA IS BEING HUMPED BY DIEGO FROM THE BACK. ITS THE MOST INTENSE THREESOME EVER. Until someone else arrived..

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