~Flower Crown for the asshole

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"Hey, y/n, wake the fuck up." Max says.

You groaned and stretch your arms "You over slept again." He pointed out. You look at him with half closed eyes and flip him off "Whatever." Max rolls his eyes

"Hurry, Nikki, Neil and I are waiting. I also saved a spot for you for breakfast."
You sat up and put on your regular clothes. "Mmhm, thanks." You quickly straightened your hair with your fingers

"How come David didn't notice that I'm the only one who wasn't awake." Max looks at you "Because he's a dumbass and you are too." You dust off your clothes "Ahh, thanks for the compliment fucker."

"You're welcome stupid ass." Suddenly foot steps came running towards your tent and you both saw David "Hey Max, why are you over here-- oh! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't know you're still sleeping here."

You exit out of your tent "It's fine David. Don't sweat it." You three walked over to the mess hall and enter in. The kids were there, already eating breakfast without you. One of them were about to start their camp activities.

You quickly went up to grab your breakfast and sit next to Max, Neil, and Nikki. "Hey y/n! Over slept again huh?" Nikki says "Yep. I don't really care if I did or not." Max sat and continued to finish his breakfast.

"I heard that there's gonna be a new camp activity. Or maybe the idea was by Dolph. Because I also heard its kind of a arts and crafts activity. And he's good at that." Neil explains to you guys. Nikki takes a sip from her orange juice

"Wow! Sounds nice." Max took a bite out of his pancake "Yeah, sounds very fucking exciting." You giggled a little by Max's sarcasm "Oh come on!" Nikki exclaims "Arts and crafts sounds kinda fun." Max looks at her

"You know I fucking hate everything, Nikki." He sips on his orange juice. David and Gwen comes in and makes an announcement "Campers! We got a new activity to do today! And I bet one of you will like it."

Most of them groaned and everyone start to finish up their food so they can start the activity. You took your last bite of your pancake and threw the rest away. Everyone else did the same and you all exit the mess hall.

You tried to catch up to Max, because you and him were actually close friends. He first hated you when you came to camp. But you guys had some things in common. And surprisingly you guys got along.

But Nikki and Neil were still your friends too. You and all the campers followed David and Gwen to the area where you guys will craft. Suddenly, David and Gwen stopped their tracks. Which you assumed that you guys were at the destination.

"Uh...David? Why the fuck are we on top of a hill, filled with bullshitting flowers? There's like, a lot of them." David's eyes lit up "Glad you ask! It's part of the camp activity today! Dolph will explain what you guys will do."

Max rolls his eyes and you just crossed your arms. Nikki starts so get excited "Yes! I bet we're gonna make flower crowns. Like what Mother Nature wears!" Neil looks at her "How do you even know she wears flower crowns?"

"Exactly zNikki!" Dolph says "We are ze making flower crownz! Isn't dethat exciting?" Nobody said anything but just sat down on the available tables. Of course, you, Max, Nikki, and Neil sat together.

You mostly say next to Max, and across from you guys were Nikki and Neil "Alright everyone." Gwen says "You guy's partner up with the person next to you. Gather up some flowers for the flower crowns. Decide one of you will get it."

You look at Max. Max looks at you back "What? Don't fuck with me y/n. I'm not getting it." You made puppy eyes at him and he cringes "God damn it y/n. Don't use that shit on me again..." your eyes got wider and Max gave up.

"FINE! I HATE YOU SO MUCH Y/N!" You smirk "I hate you too, haha." Max got out from his seat and he went over to some group of flowers "ILL GET SOME FLOWERS NEIL! DONT WORRY!" She jumped out from her seat and runs over to pick some up.

But she some reason picks it up with her mouth. Neil cringes a little "I swear she's a dog. In a good way." You chuckle and watch Max pick up some flowers also. Everyone from each table were picking up flowers.

David and Gwen just watch you guys doing the brand new activity. For some reason, Dolph already finished his flower crown. He put it on top of his head and squeals "YAS!!"

You giggled at his reaction and continued to watch Max. Suddenly, Max disappeared out of nowhere. You looked around but he can't be seen anywhere. So you slowly got out of your seat and walked over to where he started out to pick up some flowers.

"Max? Where the hell are you, ya bastard?" It was quiet for a few seconds. Then Max comes up from the grass and pulls you down there. You gasped and landed on the long strands of grass. He laughs "Haaa! You should've seen your face!"

You punched his shoulder "Shut up!" He laughs some more and tries to calm down before they get caught slacking off in the grass. He sighs and shows you the flowers he picked up. You smiled and grab some.

"Awesome Max! You know, I rather not glue them. Too much work. Instead..." you pluck out some flowers from the stem and start to put some on Max's hair. Before he even wipes it off, you stopped him

"Tsk tsk, this is my way on how we're making this flower crown." You said to him. Max groans "Have it your way bitch." "I'm no female dog Max." He looks at you "Ha ha, very funny y/n." You continued to put flowers on him.

"I thought you called me a bitch. Hm Max?" "SHUT UP! OH MY GOD." You giggled and put the last flower on him. You turn around and start to lay on your stomach on the grass "You look wonderful." Max looks at you with soft eyes.

"Uhh...thanks? Who am I kidding, fuck you." You roll your eyes and start to hug him. He blushes a little and grunts "This is gonna be awkward y/n. Let go." "No." Max rolls his eyes and hesitates to hug back.

"Let's just lay down here for a while."
"Alright y/n."

~(Camp Camp) Max  x Reader - One shots!~Where stories live. Discover now