Song of Love

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So today I start working with Jimin on his first song. I just woke up and damn im a mess. I made coffee and had some toast.
Hmmm, what should I wear today? Maybe a black skirt and a white T. I fixed my hair up in a bun and put on makeup. I don't usually wear makeup so ill only put on some. I put my hair down and brushed up. I know I had to hurry. It was already 8:00 in the morning. Jimin is probably waiting for me. Im so nervous.

I rushed out my apartment door and because I don't have a car, I have to walk to the company building. Luckily I don't live that far. I live just around the corner from the company.

I grabbed more coffee and a chocolate  granola bar. I love chocolate. I sat down getting prepared for Jimin to come. All of a sudden my office door just randomly opens. It was Jimin.

Jimin: "Oh good morning Y/N. Sorry I barged in."

Y/N: "Don't apologize oppa."
*I said with a smile*

Jimin: "Well ill go ahead and give you my lyrics. What do you think?"

Wow. Just wow. The lyrics were so kind and cute. But it got more serious and sad to the end.

Y/N: " Wow, amazing song. Exactly how do you sing the melody? "

Jimin starting singing the song.
His voice is so feminine and beautiful. His voice matched the song and its lyrics. It was so deep and meaningful. I swear I felt tears.

Y/N: "Jimin, that's was beautiful. You are such a talented person. I think the melody and rhythm should match the song and lyrics in a way. It should have a beat but smooth and angelic tone to it."
I already had a sound that i made on my laptop  that I think would match the song perfectly. I played the melody and rhythm for Jimin. He thought it was perfect.

Jimin: " Wow Y/N, you have a gift. The song sounds perfect. "
     *did he just compliment me? Oh my gosh im as red as a tomato*

Y/N: "Ah, thank you oppa. Do you think we can go ahead and record the song?"

Jimin: "Yes I think its ready to record. "
  *he starting singing while I was recording him. Wow he is so amazing at singing not to mention he's freaking hot as hell. Ah what am I saying. Focus.*
After recording~

Y/N: "Ah jinja. Im really hungry. Hey Jimin oppa, im going to go get somethingto eat. Ill be right back."

Jimin: "Ill come with you Y/N. Im hungry too and besides *grabs my hand* its always good to have company. " he said while smiling.
   This boy is already bias wrecking me and He's trying to hold my hand?! Im shooketh. And now im even more red.

Jimin: "How about I buy you food. My treat."

Y/N: " Um sure thank you oppa."
Did Jimin just offer me lunch?
God im not prepared im so happy right now!

We went to a cute little burger shop and Jimin bought me a meal. He's so kind and gentlemen like its so adorable. I don't know what jungkook was talking about. Jimin isn't flirty at all. He's just a kind gentlemen. He even held the door for me. Ah what am I saying. He probably does that with everyone.
Anyway, he told me that he had to leave because Jungkook called him.
              ~  Jimins P.O.V~
*Jimins phone rings*

Jimin: "Hello"

Jungkook: "Hyung, what are you doing with Y/N?"

Jimin: "Ah Jungkook, we just went out to eat. Don't worry about me."

Jungkook: "Im not worried about you im worried for Y/N. You better not be planning something Jimin or ill-"

Jimin: " Ah ya, why do you care. Its not like she cares for you jungkook. And besides, I think she likes me."

Jungkook: " Why would she like you. If she just knew of how you thought of her, she would never fall for you."

Jimin: "Ya jungkook just leave me and Y/N alone. Or do you have feelings toward Y/N? Jealous? "

Jungkook: "No Hyung. I just...I don't want her to fall under your trap. I don't want- the other hyungs don't want her to leave. She's an amazing composer Jimin Hyung. Don't screw this up."

Jimin: "Ha, no need to worry for her. Ill take good care of her. Promise. "

Jungkook: "Jimin what are you planning to do with Y/N?!?"

*Jimin hangs up*

Ah seriously. Jungkook doesn't have to worry, and besides he needs to stay out of my business. She's already mine. I know that for sure. I won't make a move until the right moment. Like I said before,  he has nothing to worry about but,  Y/N does.

Tomorrow im doing a dance practice,  ill bring Y/N with me and ill see how that goes.  She won't regret it... Well, at least I know I won't.
                   ~Your P.O.V~
I went back to my office to settle down and just relax. I didn't wanna go home. I'd rather be at work than at home.

Whoa!  Its already 11:45 PM! Man, that explains why im so tired. Ill just take a quick nap so I can wake up early tomorrow...
-next day-

???: "Ya, Y/N wake up! Wake up!"
   *opens eyes to see jungkook waking me up*

Y/N: "Oh, *yawns* good morning Jungkook. Why are you here so early? "

Jungkook: "Y/N, its already 2 in the afternoon! What time did you fall asleep?"

Y/N: "What?!? Already 2?  Oh god I guess I didn't hear my alarm. Well... I fell asleep at 11 almost 12 at night."

Jungkook: "What? Y/N why did you stay up that late? Did Jimin keep you up?! I swear to god if he-"

Y/N: "No Jimin had nothing to do with me staying up. Why would he?"

Jungkook: "Aish, never mind. Here, *hands me coffee* this should wake you up a little more. You look pale. Oh and here I brought some lunch."

Jungkook is so sweet. He didn't have to do that.

Y/N: "Ah thank you jungkook. You didn't have to do that for me you know. So kind." I said with a smile.

Jungkook: "No need to thank me Y/N. You work hard for Jimin. We including Jimin,  should be thanking you. The least I can do is bring you a meal." he said with his bunny smile. Aish such a cutie.

I didn't know how to properly thank him so I bowed and ate everything he gave me. We sat and talked for a while. He's really funny and cute. He's easy to talk to but he is kinda shy. He blushes a lot when I complement him. Hehehe its so cute. We got to know eachother more and now I feel closer to him. He's a good friend.
            ~Jungkook P.O.V~
I texted Y/N this morning but she never replied. I hope she's okay. I went to her apartment (she told us where she lives because she said if we needed her she'll probably be home) but she wasnt there. I went to her office and she was fast asleep on her desk. Oh my gosh its already in the afternoon why is she asleep?

A part of me didn't want to wake her up, she looked so peaceful and beautiful while she slept. I told my self ill just admire her from afar but I knew I had to wake her up. I don't want her to get in trouble. But before I woke her up I left and got some food and coffee so she could wake up properly and not still be half asleep when she works. I came back to wake her up. I started walking toward her but, I heard a loud drumming sound. No, that's not a drum, its.. My heart.
My heart is beating so loud every time I got closer to her.
Why?.. Why am I like this all of a sudden.
I woke her up and her gentle voice sounded so sweet and angelic.
Well after I woke her up she ate and we were talking for a while. We got to know eachother more.
My heart feels so excited  with her.
I could feel my cheeks turn red hot every time she complimented me. Why am I like this. Why do I feel this way.
No, im not letting Jimin do anything to her. She's to pure for him to do anything wrong to her. Ill kill him if he touches her.
Y/N ... Why do I feel this way toward you.. Is this- is this what love is?
Thank you for reading
Ill update more tomorrow
Love ya ^·^

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