1:I Tried to Kill a Gang Leader and All I Got Was this Stupid Rescue Mission

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The dim, red light of the street glistened off of the officers' yellow tinted fangs. Vampires. I mentally curse myself— how could I not have smelt it on them before now? I should have known they were vampires. I should have known they were with the Dandies. I should have known a lot of things. I should have listened to Patrick. Patrick... I watch as his figure fades into the distance, his body pressed roughly against the side of a police car like some sort of common criminal whilst he writhes helplessly, grasping at the chance of an impossible escape.

I find myself involuntarily baring my teeth, my muscles tensing; I have to break out of here. I have to break all  of us out of here. There are only two cops in the front of the car. Maybe, if I'm fast, I can immobilise them and... but then what? I already lost to Beckett and his minions once, that being with the help of the hunters. I haven't even caught a glimpse of Joe and Andy since the start of the battle. What if they...? I let a twisted smirk play on my lips: no way is any son-of-a-bitch, pretentious member of Beckett's little fang gang going to be able to take down Andy mother-fucking Hurley. Not without a good fight.

Still caught up on the idea of Andy claiming my revenge by beating the Dandies up to a bloody pulp, I fail to notice the increasing chill in the air until a sharp line of frost begins to creep up the binding between the backseats of the federal vehicle. Suddenly, I snap back into reality, registering the smug laughter of the vampire cops for the first time. They haven't noticed the cold either. I inhale sharply, drawing in an experimental, unnecessary breath. The thick cloud of condensation forms before my face, just as I had expected. What the hell is going on? It can't be the Dandies, they wouldn't destroy a system biassed in their favour... The street vampires? The punk vamps? Other hunters? I feel my rising panic reach its fever pitch as thick chunks of ice snake their way up the roof of the car, enveloping my confines in an unfriendly chill. Vampires may not feel the cold, but we can certainly sense power. Anyone could sense power here.

As if on cue, one of the officers in front of me turns to face me, his soulless black eyes staring deeply into my brown ones. His expression is questioning, as if I could have something to do with the growing power in this enclosed space. He may have thought that he hid it well, but I easily catch the fear in his gaze, smirking again— this time in the knowledge both that the officers won't be able to detect my bluffs, and that they're unfamiliar with what is and isn't within my abilities; I'm still handcuffed, and no way do I have that strong of an aura "What the fu..." I hear one of the officers start before the roof above them instantly smashes into a mess of ice and torn sheet metal.

There is a terrible crash as the bulletproof windscreen of the car shatters under the pressure above it, debris bombarding the officers in the front seat and smothering them in their own blood. Tainted blood. I hear a cry from the front of the car as what looks to be a hand shoots through the gaping hole in the roof, grabbing one of my detainers around the neck. I watch as the newcomer pulls his arm back through the gap, dragging the cop with him. Within seconds, I hear his cries turn from scared to anguished and pained, blood dripping though the broken roof. I inhale audibly. There's a dull thud behind me as the body of the officer hits the floor, and I sit there, paralysed, as I watch the same happen to the second.

I quickly jolt into action as much as I can, snarling and squirming to be free of my handcuffs. Who's to say that the force that attacked the vamp cops won't be after me too? Fuck. There's no way I'm making it out of here. I close my eyes. I hope to God that Father Charlie will find and bless my corpse and stop my soul from what would otherwise be eternal damnation. So close... I could almost taste his blood. And yet, here I am: an undignified end to an undeserving monster, begging for a second shot at redemption in the car of a traitorous captor. The last flame of rebellion in a city lost to a gang of stuck-up, vainglorious vampires left to flicker out at the hands of an unknown force, bound and broken in the backseat.

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