First Day

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Percy's POV

Percy parked his blue Genesis in the school parking lot. He grumbled something under his breath, but his passenger, Grover, didn't notice.

"I can't believe we're actually starting senior year, Perce," Grover said.

"I know," Percy replied, although he didn't seem very happy. "I just wanna get this school year over with."

"Trust me, I feel the same way." His best friend clapped him on the back and sent him a friendly smile before stepping out the car with his backpack slung over his shoulder. Percy followed.

"I gotta go drop off my stuff for Swim, but I'll meet you by our lockers afterwards, 'kay?" said Percy.

Grover nodded understandably.

Percy hauled his duffle bag through the halls with his backpack barely on his shoulder. Passing everyone in the corridors, he got a sort of nostalgic feeling- Although he despised school, he did have quite a few good memories here.

While making his journey, he ran into his other best buddy, Jason.

"Hey, man!" Jason exclaimed.

Percy grinned and they did that weird bro-hug thing.

"You heading to the lockers?" Percy asked.

"Yeah. Coach is gonna have my ass if I'm not there in two minutes. I'm expected to be there to discuss stuff with him."

"Oh, right!" Percy remembered. "Captain duties now! Dude, that's awesome." He himself understood what it was like to be captain- He'd been swim team captain since last year. "But I guess we better hurry though, huh?"

Jason chuckled as he and Percy sped through the hall, racing towards the boys' locker room.

They made it to their destination and were finally shoving their bags into their athletic lockers.

Percy turned to Jason. "Where's Piper by the way? I didn't see her with you." Piper's Jason's girlfriend.

"Oh yeah. She's cheer captain now. So she has to be at school even earlier that us, considering cheer period is first period."

Percy hummed in response. He didn't know Piper very well, the same with all her friends. They were kinda the populars, but it wasn't bad or anything. And they had good reasons to be popular, rather than a list of guys they've slept with and a big ass. Although the one with the blond curls had a pretty nice ass...

Percy shook the thoughts from his mind. He hated himself when he thought stuff like that- He felt like he was invading their privacy or something. It was disrespectful; His mother taught him better than that.

Percy eventually made it to his locker, right next to Grover's. Awesome, right? (Jason was busy with the football coach. )

For a good minute or two, Percy just stood there as Grover was on his phone. He was pretty sure he didn't even notice him.

Grover finally hung up and jumped at Percy's presence. "Whoa! You scared me, man."

Percy just laughed it off. "Juniper?" he inquired.

Grover's cheeks grew terribly red. It was so obvious the two of them liked each other, everyone knew. Why they weren't an official thing yet, Percy had no idea.

Grover's response resulted in a bunch of stammering. Percy laughed to himself.

"Since we're on the topic..." Grover began, changing the initial subject. "What's up with you and Rachel? Do y'all even talk anymore?"

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