Ch. 9

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Outfit for the next day, but just around the house)

(Y/n) laughs at her boyfriend while finishing dinner for everyone. When (y/n) is finished preparing dinner, (p/a/n) helps set the table and places the food on the table.

(Y/n): Come and get it!

Not even two seconds later, everyone was enjoying a meal (y/n) prepared and talking about their past (the good times when they were together)

~Now on with the story~

Maxine: Wow (y/n), this soup is delicious

(Y/n): -smiles- Thanks Maxine

Floxy: Can we get the recipe

(Y/n): Sorry but it a family secret recipe, so no one outside the family will ever know the secret

Lenny: Can we guess what's in it?

(Y/n): -thinks for a moment and shrugs- Sure I don't see why not

And so the guess of the recipe got underway, but no of them got the recipe right

Rex: I give up I can't guess any more and I'm still hungry

(Y/n): Well there is some more in the kitchen if anyone wants seconds or to take some home. Oh and by the way the reason this recipe is so secret is because no one can figure out the secret ingredient even with magic

Everyone except Rex looks stunned (Rex went to got seconds) 

Narcissa: But what if they try to get it from the cook

(Y/n): -shakes her head- Still won't work

Lenny: Why not?

(Y/n): Because even the cooks that cook this recipe (my family) even has the spell on them and it's only the females that know the recipe, because it was the first female pixie in my family to make this over 200 years ago, and because she said only the first born female pixie will learn this recipe, so even if I had a sister she won't know the recipe no matter what. Not even mom would be able to tell her.

Rex came back after you finished explaining to the other, but he still heard you

Maxine: What took you so long, Rex

Rex: Needed a bigger bowl

(Y/n): -giggles- You sure you can eat all that Rex or are you gonna save some for later?

Rex: -looks at (y/n)-Eat some now then save some for later -continues to eat till he's full-

~Time skip~

A couple of hours has past since dinner and the elves were spending the night so I gave them a tour of the house except for the basement where the vault was cause no one other than me and (p/a/n) ever go down there. I even set a few rules, mainly no stealing. When they saw the entire inside of the house, the elves were staring in awe except for Rex since he already had the tour.

(Y/n): So what do you want to do now?
Floxy/Lenny: We could have a movie marathon!!

(Y/n): Sure as long as it ain't a chick-flick or a romantic movie. I might be a girl, but those type of movies either puts me to sleep or makes me sick to my stomach

Rex: -walks up to (y/n)- I knew there was a reason I liked you -kisses her cheek-

Everyone heads to the theater room to watch a action packed movie marathon with snacks

~time skip to morning~

(Y/n) and (p/a/n) were up early making breakfast when the elves and their animals came rushing down stairs

(P/a/n): Man, they are noisy in the morning

(Y/n): -chuckles- Yeah, just the way I remember them.-yells to elves- Breakfast is ready..............DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!!!

Elves: OK!!

Once everyone was fed (y/n) went outside to feed Allen his food (for the scary dragon doesn't eat certain meats)

~Time skip~

The elves left to do their own thing while (y/n) and (p/a/n) went to Molly Moo's.

(Y/n) and (p/a/n): Hey Caramel, hey Martino

Caramel and Martino: Hey (y/n), hey (p/a/n) 

Martino: What's up

(P/a/n): Nothing much -looks at (y/n)- Now about my grande ice cream you promised me

(Y/n): -smiles- Go ahead but don't eat it to fast OK

(P/a/n): -extremely happy- OK!!! - runs to Caramel- Hey Caramel can I get a (f/f) ice cream grande sized

Caramel: You sure, won't (y/n) be mad? 

(P/a/n): -shakes head 'no'- (Y/n) said I could

Caramel: Well, OK than one grande sided (f/f) ice cream coming right up

~Time skip (sorry for so many time skips)~

After a long day of hanging and helping out you friends you headed home. When you enter you see Rex laying on your couch with his hands behind his head and with his eyes closed, so you walk/sneak up to him and kiss his forehead

Rex: You missed

(Y/n): - chuckles cutely- No I didn't, I wanted to get your forehead and I did. And why are you on the couch you have a room and also how did you get in my house this time Rex?

Rex: I walked in through the door and the couch is comfy. And how come you don't want to kiss me on the lips?

(Y/n): cause I thought you were asleep and I didn't want to disturb you -kisses his lips passionately- better?

Rex: -blushes but smiles- Better

Pop Pixie Love Story (Rex x reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now