Fear and Thrills

133 8 1

Word Count: 780

The man gazed down at his prey, smiling as he saw the shuttering rise of the male's shoulders with every breath. "You're mine, little dragon. The sooner you accept this, the less painful every day will be for you," the purple-and-white haired captor cooed. Natsu continued breathing gently, his fitful sleep refusing to falter. As the days had flown by, the man had grown increasingly enamored with his catch, although the reasons had changed. Sure, the thrill of belittling the Mighty Salamander never dulled, but the unconscious form gave him an entirely different thrill.

Small whimpers filled the silence of the room, distracting the man from his thoughts. Seems my little salamander is having a bad dream, he mused happily. He raised a scarred hand, touching his fingertips to the matted pink locks before him. Oh, how he loved to see blood adorning those fragile features. Trailing his fingers lower, he caressed round, tear-stained cheeks. The soft skin beneath his palm made him ache to witness the coursing, crimson liquid beneath. However, he knew that he could have his fun later, as he had more pressing matters to attend to presently. Soon enough, my pet.

//with Gray//

Stares burned pinpricks into his skin, but he ignored them. His frequent visits to the Guild had gained the notice of his friends, though most were still attempting to give him space. "We're all worried about finding him, but we're also worried about you," Lucy stated, placing her hand upon the ice mage's. He shook off her gesture of comfort, crossing his arms and leaning back on his wooden chair.

"I'm fine. I just- We-"

"Gray..." Lucy whispered sullenly, looking at him kindly as he struggled to speak his thoughts. She searched for her own words, wanting to comfort him further.

"Fairy Tail needs him." The male rose, turning and leaving the hall. The guild needed him, the team needed him, and although he had been loathe to admit it before, Gray needed him more than anything.

Gray's eyes fluttered as he blinked back the stinging of his tearducts. That idiotic, hyperactive, overly loud dragon slayer never left his thoughts anymore. Even his dreams were filled with rambunctious laughter, wide grins, and a splash of salmon hair. The dread in his stomach was familiar, having been a part of his childhood. Deliora was something he had feared, but he now was grateful that he had known exactly what to fear. With Natsu, Gray felt as if he feared everything, not knowing what was happening to his missing friend.


//with Warren//


The telepath's eyes widened, Natsu's single thought rattling around in his head. Warren had tried numerous times to get in touch with the missing slayer, and yet Natsu had reached him without effort on his part. He waited, holding his breath.

I-I just want to hear your stupid voice, look for your stupid shirt... Just one more time...

Warren's mood turned dark as the emotion within Natsu's thoughts intruded upon his own.

I want my stupid pervert back... I-I'm so scared...

The almost audible whimper betrayed just how frightened the fearless fire dragon was, scaring Warren himself. Although he hadn't discovered Natsu's location, he felt as if he had to tell Gray. Even if the words would only hurt the ice wizard, Natsu had been talking about him.

Following the trail of the recently departed mage, Warren raced to organize his thoughts. "G-Gray!" he called as Gray's clothed back drew nearer.

"Huh?" he questioned, confused. "Warren? What is it?"

"Not to get any hopes up, but I heard something from Natsu..." Before Gray could perk up, he continued, "I didn't learn anything about where he is or his kidnapper. I couldn't project my own thoughts, but I heard his clearly, and he was thinking about you..."

"A-about me?"

Explaining what he had heard, Gray grew more misty-eyed and more silent as the words flowed from Warren. "W-when you get into touch with him... Please t-tell him that we- that I'll never stop looking for him. No matter what."

The other male smiled gently, nodding his head. "I promise." Gray's use of the word 'when' rather than 'if' had retrieved his mood and done away with his fear.

"I miss him..." Gray admitted, his voice quiet and wobbly. Warren was far from excited to discover this new side to his guildmate.

"We will find him," Warren assured, giving Gray the expression that he had been given far too often lately. He had heard the words often enough, but he only hoped that Natsu could last long enough for them to rescue him.

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