To Capture

150 12 2

Word Count: 900

Sorry for the delay in my updating schedule! I'll try to keep it regular from now on, but I can't promise they will be exactly on time.

Warning: Gray thinks one word of profanity(ish)

"Who a-are you?!"

"Aren't you quite demanding?" The purple-and-white haired male chuckled, earning an even more fiery glare. "Well, seeing as we have spent so much time together, I suppose I could tell you."

A tense silent filled the small cement room as the dragon slayer awaited the name of his captor. Maybe, if he hadn't been forgotten yet, he could get in touch with Warren. Then, they would have at least a chance of finding him.

"My little pet, such a scowl you have. Since we're so close," he continued, pressing his face closer to Natsu's, "you may call me Toraeru." Grinning maliciously, Toraeru lightly dragged his lengthy fingernails down both of the slayer's cheeks, leaving behind small red scratches across their surface. "Oh, I can't wait to hear you scream my name!" he announced excitedly before exiting the cell and locking the metal door.

Once alone, Natsu allowed the tears to trail over the welts, stinging his scarred skin. Toraeru, Toraeru, Toraeru. He repeated the name within his mind like a mantra, as if it was the only thing keeping him from falling apart. As his brain grew more and more fatigued, another name slipped into the mantra: Gray...

He kept his cries silent, too fearful to make a single sound. He wanted to have his teammates, friends, his family back. The creeping, itching worry split his mind; half of himself knowing that he couldn't have slipped their minds, while the other sought to convince him of that very fact.

An image of Gray laughing recreated itself within his mind, though the stripper's arm rested along the back of Lucy's shoulders. Happy was floating nearby, his usual green pack upon his small form. Erza was eating cake, her armor as intimidating as it had ever been. Snippets of conversations reached his ears, as if he had the same gift as Warren. His friends were commenting on how long the hall had stayed intact, having completely forgotten about the slayer who always went overboard with petty brawls. Makarov was drinking something in that wooden mug of his, hiccuping and joining in with his chuckling children.

Opening his eyes and gazing at the gray walls, Natsu's expression grew devoid of emotion. They really didn't need him around, and would be perfectly fine without him. Maybe even better. What point is there anymore?

//with Gray//

Hands carded through black hair once again as the ice-make wizard listened to Warren. The telepath spoke softly, hesitantly, not knowing exactly how the other would react but knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant. "What was it that he kept repeating?"

"T-Toraeru." Warren cut himself short, withholding the rest of the information he had learned about Natsu's mental state. As Gray was distressed enough, Warren knew better than to let it slip.

"Have you ever heard that name before?"

"Not as a name, but, I have heard the word before..."

"Well? What does it mean?" Gray was steadily losing patience with his friend's tight-lipped answers, his voice divulging his own emotional state more than he had intended it to.

"I'm not sure irony is the best option right now, but it means 'to capture,' strangely enough."

The raven haired ice mage rubbed his palm across his cheek, noticing Warren's frightened look. He's a great guy and all, but he keeps acting like I'll attack him or something. "We better tell the researching twins," he replied through his fingers.

"More like triplets. Gajeel won't leave Levy alone with Hibiki for that many hours," Warren corrected, chuckling lightly, "and I can do that for you."

Gray sighed, having been left isolated with his thoughts of a certain salmon-haired dragon slayer. If only he could just say a single phrase to that flame-for-brains, maybe his mind wouldn't be spiraling due to the pileup of words he needed to say to Natsu. It was as if Natsu was closer to him than ever, now that he couldn't be physically. Every sight, sound, touch, even smells and tastes reminded him of that damn dragon. 

I just need to know that you're okay, Natsu. If anything happened to you... I didn't know how useless I was without you, you idiot. Please just... be safe. I need you... I l-lo-

//back to Natsu//

The frail body let out a minuscule sigh as soon as the room darkened. Blood was slowly drying upon his skin, but he paid it little attention these days. It was more of a daily routine than a torture method, so the pull of the crust on his flesh hardly bothered him.

-su! Nat-... -tsu! Natsu!

Suddenly on high alert, Natsu shook his head as he realized that it had just been his own thoughts. Maybe he was already crazy. Wouldn't be too surprising.

-atsu! It's Warre-...

At that strange, almost whisper within his mind, Natsu grew hopeful. Warren?! Is it really him?!

-ve for Gray! He needs you, and cares fo-...

Gray. The only name that brought that horrible, yet wonderful sickness to his stomach. The voice he had dubbed Warren was right, and Gray would be the "point" from now on, if that would keep him going. He didn't need hope, he needed his icy pervert. Whatever he had to endure to get back to him, Natsu would just have to face head-on like he always did. That unwavering will and strength that he was known for only came with his own hope and purpose. Instead of whimpering, he would roar. After all, he was the Mighty Salamander.

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