The talking purple mist?

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Sup guyz told you i would try to keep up. sowwy for the wait i've been busy with yard sales and school and my friend tried to excersize me cause she thought i was fucked up cause of the yaoi thing. It hurt. anyway here it is.


The twins are now running in circles panicking. I know I'm not Alice but why is she so important here and more importantly how do I get out?

 "Ummm, guys?" I begin to question.


 "We need Alice!!!!!!!" they yelled and burst into tears.

 "GUYS!!!!!!!" I yelled. They shut up, and just look at me with pleading eyes. "How do I get out of here, and why is Alice so important?"

"I know who can answer that."

"Yeah, the Red Queen!"

"She's really nice," They said together.

"Ok, and how do I get to her?" I asked hopefully.

"This way!"

"Yeah just follow us!" They said happily.

An hour later, we were standing in front of a sign that had eight different signs saying, this way, that way, over here, over there, etc.

"It's this way," Tweedledee said.

"No no brother, it's that way," Tweedledum said. Then, they broke into an argument over which way to go.

"Hello beautiful. Sorry for their stupidity. Follow me and I can get you there fine," purred a beautiful voice coming from a purple mist.

"Cheshire!!!! Let’s follow him" They said together. Tweedledee and Tweedledum grabbed my hands and pulled me after the mysterious mist.

Soon enough, I began to see this beautiful red and black castle in the distance. 'Is that it?'

"Yes it is, beautiful," said the mist reading my mind as I began to blush.

"Stop calling me that," I said nervously.

"But you are beautiful hehe. Oh, looks like we're here," he said as we stopped at the castle gates. 

"Guards open up it's me, Cheshire!!!!!!!" the mist yelled up to the guard tower. Soon, the gates began to open up to reveal a beautiful garden with everything black and red. We entered the twisting maze. 'It’s almost like our maze' I thought while walking through the maze wide eyed. 

"There she is!!!!!!!!" the twins exclaimed, running up to a beautiful woman who had long red hair pulled into a pony tail with curls at the ends, white face with red and black makeup to match her dress and crown.  She was standing beside a man who looked like he just came out of the circus and had poofy orange hair, and bright green eyes that popped against his white face and colorful eye shadow and eyeliner.

"Oh hello boys," she said turning to look at us.

"Hello Red Queen, hello Hatter," said the mist they claim to be a person.

"Oh Cheshire, get into your human form. You're a lot better to look at when you are," she said. 

"Yes, your majesty," it said as the mist began to swirl in one spot slowly to reveal a beautiful teen roughly around my age. He had dark grey and black hair with lilac highlights, and his bangs framing his purfect face and cat eyes peaking from his hair (it kind of looks like the same way Loki's hair does in fairy tale when he's in his zodiac form if you've ever seen it). He had bright greenish blue eyes and was wearing black skinnies, black boots with buckles and chains, a tight black vest with a sleeveless shirt underneath that showed off his muscles, black gloves that had shiny studs on them, and a lilac tale.

"Like what you see beautiful?" he purred as I broke into a blush.

"You're not Alice? Who are you?" the queen asked.


hey guyz sowwy its still so short but it is getting longer. please give feedback cuz otherwise itll make me sad and ill break out into little rainbow tears. Also tell me what you think of my sexy ass Chesire cat. see ya bitches. by the way the guy with the black hair in the pics is collin but with black so just turn him blonde and that's collin

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