chapter 2

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    Want to say a quick thanks to kluna0623 for being our amazing beta reader. Ladieshemworth90 and I have had a blast bringing my story to life. Hope you enjoy.

Logan's Point of View

Logan sits in his office a week later on the fifth floor of his building looking out the window, thinking of where things went so wrong. He often thinks of Rory and what she was doing. He has tried so many times to track her down but it was always unsuccessful. It was as though she fell off the face of the planet except for a few articles here and there. Ever since that talk with Alex he couldn't seem to get her off his mind. He still couldn’t figure out how Alex knew what he did. But about one thing he was completely sure of was that he was still in love with Rory and she had broken his heart into a million pieces when she didn’t accept his proposal.

He closes his eyes for a moment and drifts back in time.

Logan stands in the middle of the room surrounded by a lot of people. Nervously he played with the blue box he had in his black jacket. He was thinking a lot about marrying Rory when he had seen the ring on the display at Tiffany's on the famous Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles. He bought it right away. It screamed Rory.

The engagement ring was simple but still pretty noble with a small diamond in the middle with small encrusted diamonds all around the band. Because Logan had known Rory for 3 wonderful years he knew she didn’t like huge things. For her was it more important that it came from his heart. The voices of Rory’s grandparents snapped him back into the reality. After the song from Richard and Emily, Logan took a deep breath as he walked down to Rory.

He cleared his throat. "You amaze me, Rory Gilmore. Every day. Everything that you do. Everything that you are. This past year I realized that I don't know a lot more than I thought I knew. If that makes sense.

Sorry, I'm rather nervous! I didn't think I would be.

What I'm trying to say is… that… I don't know a lot. But I know that I love you. And I want to be with you. Forever.                           

Rory Gilmore, will you marry me?"

"Wow. Um, wow. I… wow." Rory said and felt a little insecure.

Um. I'm just, I'm so surprised. I just. Um. Um.. Will you come talk to me outside?" she begged him and felt the looks from her parents, grandparents and especially from her grandmother, Emily Gilmore. She always wanted a happy ending for her only grandchild.

"Sorry, I just, I didn't want to talk in front of everybody."

“It’s ok, Ace. So...what are you saying?”, he said hopefully and tried to find some answers in Rory’s eyes. Outside, is a white carriage with two white horses waiting for them to celebrate their successful proposal.

“Is that..?”

“Yeah, that's for us. I'm sorry, I know you said you were over big gestures. But that's what wedding proposals are. And tonight, with your parents here, and your grandparents, I just thought…"

"No, it's not the size of the gesture. It's the gesture itself."

“Oh Ace, ít wasn’t my intention to get you into this situation. But I don’t want to be alone again when I move to Palo Alto, and I do not want to make a long distance relationship anymore. It is so tough and so I was thinking we should get married.”

“ Wow, you've been thinking about this for a while."

She looks a little alarmed. Logan is all seriousness.

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