Chapter 2

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Tom slowly creeked open the door to his and Nathan's bedroom. He first peered his head around the doorframe and then quietly entered the room, closing the door behind him.

He looked over to the bed and noticed that it was empty, Nathan wasn't there. He could hear that the shower in the on-suit was on, so he presumed that Nathan was in the shower. He walked over to the bed and sat on his side, plumping up his pillow. He suddenly heard the sound of the shower turn off and footsteps heading towards the door.

He stood up sharply and watched as Nathan walked out into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Nathan noticed Tom standing on the other side of their bed, he looked up at him but chose to ignore his presence.

He continued to walk around the room to a set of cream coloured drawers and pulled out a tshirt and a pair a joggers. He placed them on the bed, still not noticing Tom.

Tom rubbed his hand nervously up his arm and spoke.

"Erm... sleep well?" He asked Nathan.

Nathan looked up at Tom. He smiled faintly and nodded his head, then returned to getting dressed.

The room was silent again and filled with tension. Once Nathan was ready, he turned to walk out of the room, until Tom stopped him.

"Listen, I owe you an apology for last night. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't mean to shout and-"

"It's fine." Nathan interrupted and walked hastily out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving Tom alone.

Tom threw his hands to his head and sat back on the bed. He sat in thought for a while before he decided to head back downstairs.


Nathan entered the kitchen and joined the other three bandmates as Max served up breakfast. Nathan grabbed a plate and took it over to the diningroom table and sat down to eat.

Jay noticed Nathan's silence and followed him to the table.

"Everything okay mate?" He asked, concerned.

Nathan looked up at Jay. "Uh yeah, just, didn't sleep well."

Jay didn't believe him. "Is everything okay with you and Tom?"

Nathan hesitated. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"He came down in quite a mood as well earlier."

"I'm not in a mood! I just... didn't sleep well."

"If you say so." Jay sighed and continued to drink his orange juice.

The rest of the boys sat at the table as Tom came down the stairs, collected a plate and joined them.

The room was filled with the sound of knives and forks clacking against plates. Nobody spoke, but this wasn't unusual. The house was normally silent when the boys were filling their faces.


The boys finished eating and cleared the table after them.

Jay and Siva entered the livingroom and switched the TV on, whilst Nathan began to wash up.

Tom remained at the table and took out his phone, opening Twitter.

@TomTheWanted: Morning guys! How's everyone's morning going? X

He read through his mentions, tweeting and retweeting a few fans.

Max approached him, looking over at his phone.

"Fancy going to the pub later?" Max said placing his hand on Tom's shoulder.

"Yeah, sounds good." Tom locked his phone and placed it back in his pocket.

Jay overheard the conversation and ran over to Tom and Max.

"I heard pub, I'm in." Jay laughed as Tom and Max smiled up at him.

Nathan watched as the three of them laughed, smiling as he heard Tom's adorable laugh. He finished washing up and headed towards the rest of the boys, along with Siva.

"We're all going then?" Max said ecstatically with a beaming smile on his face.

The boys exchanged glances then nodded.

"Alright then!"


The boy's all got changed into something more suitable to exit the house and proceeded to the local pub, which luckily, was only a five minute drive away.

Once they exited the car, they each made their way to the entrance, walked inside and sat down at a circular table.

"My round first?" Jay asked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Come help me with the drinks Seev."

Jay and Siva headed towards the bar, leaving Max, Tom and Nathan at the table.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, be right back." Max said and quickly, he left the table.

Tom and Nathan sat in silence for a while, exchanging glances with the occasional smile.

Tom subtly placed his hand on Nathan's hand and looked up at him with big eyes.

"I really am sorry, Nath, if I could take it back I would."

"I know you would. It's okay, I've kinda gotten used to it now."

Tom's smile turned into a small frown.

"But I don't think you should drink too much tonight, you get rough when you're drunk." Nathan continued, his hand still underneath Tom's.

"You know I'd never do anything to hurt you." Tom assured him.

Where have I heard that before? Nathan thought.

"I know." Nathan smiled.

Jay and Siva returned with drinks as Max returned from the bathroom. The boys continued the night with laughter, having fun and enjoying each others company.



Sorry I took so long to update, exams and shit ugh

I hope you're enjoying it so far, it still sounds like a Nom at the minute but I know what I'm doinggggg

Thanks for reading!

~Anna :-)

I Love You, Nathan Sykes (Jaythan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant