Chapter 9

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The next day was surprisingly unawkward. At first.

Tom had slept on the sofa the previous night, but waited until the other boys had gone to bed themselves before moving himself down there. He also made sure that he was awake before anyone came down, so that they would just think that he was the first one up and would have no idea that he'd slept there rather than his shared bed with Nathan.

Once all the boys were down for breakfast, they each began to do their own thing.

Jay poured his usual glass of orange juice, Nathan flicked the kettle on to make himself and the three remaining boys a nice morning cup of tea, Max started to cook a mixture of foods for their morning meal, Siva set the table and Tom remained on the sofa with his phone out.

Jay had finished filling his glass with orange juice and turned to walk towards the table. As he passed Nathan, he gave him a subtle wink, causing Nathan to flash a smile back.

Placing himself on one of the free seats around the table, Jay watched Nathan as he made the mugs of tea, and dropped into deep thought.

I don't understand. I seem to have developed some kind of emotional feeling towards Nathan, and I kind of like it. I want him to be with me instead of Tom, just so I know that he's safe, I hate seeing him the way he is. I've not seen a true smile on his face for ages and just then, when he smiled at me, it was real, and I'm glad it was me that caused that. But the thing is... I'm not gay. I'm not and I never will be.

"Jay?..." Siva waved his hand in front of Jay's gorming face, "JAY."

Jay snapped out of his thought and into reality, noticing that the entire time he was thinking, he was staring at Nathan.

He looked up at Siva with wide eyes, "sorry, I was just thinking."

"What about?" Siva asked as he sat in the spare seat next to Jay.

"Just... things." Jay answered sneaking in another glimpse at Nathan, who was walking over to the table carrying all four mugs of tea.

Jay noticed Nathan struggling to carry so many mugs at once, especially with the state of his back, and stood up to help.

"Here, let me help you." Jay smiled down at Nathan, grabbing hold of two of the four mugs.

"Thanks." Nathan smiled back up at Jay, noticing the shine in his eyes as their hands touched.

Jay turned around and placed the two mugs he was holding just above the forks at two of the places at the table. Nathan followed and did the same with the two mugs he was holding onto carefully.

Sitting back at his seat, Jay noticed Siva looking strangely at him.

"What?" Jay asked nervously.

Siva raised his eyebrows, "nothing, nothing."

Once Max delivered the breakfast to the table, the boys gathered around the table and took their seats, all except Tom.

"Tom, food's ready mate." Max shouted over to him.

Tom turned his head to look at Max, then stood up slowly, his eyes still crusty from his slumber.

"I'm not hungry." He said, making his way over to the stairs.

The boys exchanged odd glances.

"Uh, you sure? I've stood and cooked all of this." Max asked slightly irritated.

I Love You, Nathan Sykes (Jaythan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin