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She often used to wonder what her purpose was in the world

She knew what her family would say

She knew what her friends would say

She even knew what her peers would say

So how come she didn't know what she would say?

No, she would know what to say

But she'd be lying

And so the question remained unanswered and untouched

Slowly buried under flecks of false security and fake confidence

Tarnished by skepticism

Forgotten by the asker itself

So there the question sat

And there it will sit

Until the day she died

So today I was just scrolling through Wattpad, calmly minding my own business, when I saw that I'd jumped up almost five hundred books into ranking #400-ish in Poetry (sorry, it's not showing me the exact ranking right now but the last I saw, it was in the four hundred range- of course, Wattpad could be malfunctioning, but I'm going to choose to be optimistic)!

 HOLY SHIT, CRAP AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN, YOU GUYS! I- it's just- wow! It's only been practically a week since I was ranked in the first place (I think)! Thank you all so much for helping me get here, I never thought I'd get even fifty reads on this crappy book, much less over a hundred! Really, I love you guys so much right now, it's unreal, honestly.  

Aaaanndd now my author's note is longer than actual poem itself. Dammit. I always promised myself I'd never be one of those authors who talked more about herself/himself than the writing. I'm going to stop now. 

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