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Well I screwed it up already. I stood for a solid 2 minutes scanning the bus for an empty spot, finding almost nothing. Finally the bus driver had to remind me of her tight schedule and prompt me to "Sit my butt down or get off". So I sat in the only empty spot near the back of the bus and stared out the window hoping no one noticed. Everyone did. How could they not?
It must have only been thirty seconds before I felt weight on the leather seat beside me. I glance over at the kid beside and see a boy with dark curly hair and freckles staring straight ahead. He glances briefly at me then goes back to staring at the seat in front of us. I look for a moment at him quizzically then go back to looking at the window. Without moving his head he says out loud, "Do you know how hard it is to try to cram three guys into one bus seat while two of them argue over whether or not a baguette is just a fancy loaf of wonder bread?" I chuckle a little but never tear my gaze from the window and it's constantly changing scenery. I debate in my head over whether or not a respond and what my response should be, but the silence around us begins to get awkward and it seems as thought the kid gave up on conversation while I had this debate.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton." I say finally. He chuckles and looks back at me now. "Well 'Alexander Hamilton', I'm John Laurens. However I feel like you should know most people don't introduce themselves this formally at our school." I raise and eyebrow and respond, "Why not?" John looks surprised by my question but answers quickly anyway, "The people here don't feel like your full name is important information." I raise an eyebrow and respond. "Well how else will they remember the kid they went to high school with who changed the world?"
"You think your gonna be able to change the world?" He asks me. Feeling a little gutsy I respond, "Yes. But don't worry, I'll let you clean my pool when we get older." John laughs and I begin the look at him closer. He has a wider set face with freckles scattered throughout. He has brown eyes that never stay still for long. We go on for a while talking about the importance of names and how people are remembered, before getting to the next stop. Only three young girls get on at this stop, all dressed to the nines. John sees me staring at them as they take their seats and whispers to me. "Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. The Schuyler Sisters." I watch them as they sit together in the very back of the bus. "Who's who?" I ask him. He points to the eldest looking girl with beautiful brown skin and curly dark hair. "Thats Angelica. She's the type of smart that doesn't need to study. She knows what she wants." I nod and gesture towards the girl with straight hair and lighter skin. "Who's that?" I ask. "That's Eliza." He explains to me. "Sweetest girl you'll ever meet." "So the last girl over there must be.." I start. "Peggy." He tells me. "She's hilarious." I nod and look around the bus for more interesting faces. "Anyone else I might need background on?" I ask him. "Well..." He looks around and seems to rack his brain  for information. "That's Aaron Burr." He says finally. He points to a kid reading a book near where we sat. "Regular old prodigy. Thinks he's a genius and probably is one, very closed off." Next he gestures to a boy in dressed up a bit elegantly for high school in my opinion. "That's Sam Seabury. Very opinionated, very um... talkative." He goes on telling me about any important kids I would need to know, but most of the others seemed pretty boring. "Oh!" He said his eyes lighting up. "You'll also need to know George. He's a senior and basically owns the school. Then there's jerks like Thomas, but just ignore those guys." I didn't know this Thomas guy, but obviously John didn't know how hard it is for me to hold in my opinions.

The bus slowed to a stop and then John turned to me and said, "I think your ready to enter the battle zone." "Thanks" But I wasn't sure. "Don't worry, I'll even introduce you to a couple of my own friends, Alex." And with that said, we got off the bus.

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