Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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As I left the house, I couldn't help but cry, I had just seen my mother bleed to death. I'd never wake up and see her again, I'd never get to hug her and tell her about my problems. She was gone, Like a leaf in the wind.  I wiped my tears with my sleeve and continued walking. Everywhere around me I could hear crying, screaming. What the hell, Is this a dream?  I passed by Hazel's house, My bestfriend. I walked up her front porch and knocked? "Hazel?!  Are you in there?" No reply. I could  feel more tears coming up. I blinked them back and continued walking.  Sudden questions kept popping up in my mind. "Could she have died?" "Is she one of them?" The thought of her being deceased made me cringe. No. She has to be alive.. But i spoke too soon.  As i walked up a bit further from her house, i saw a butterfly necklace. It looked familiar, then i realized it was Hazel's. I bent down and picked up the dusty necklace, a few feet away was her lifeless body, I couldn't believe this, My mother, Father and now my best friend. I bent down and looked at her. A gunshot to the head. I sobbed uncontrollably, She had commited suicide. I'd know because she had always told me about her self harming habbits. I never knew how to help her, I'd always try my best. I guess it wasn't enough. I picked some roses from her garden and placed them in her hand. I kissed her forhead for the last time. "I'm sorry Hazel."

                                                 3 Days Later...

I have finally managed to make it to the cabin. I haven't eaten well, since the world went to hell.

How could I?  My mother and father were dead, and my best friend had comitted suicide. I hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye. I sat on the leather couch trying to process the situation. "I'm alone." I spoke aloud. I don't know why I guess i hoped someone would hug me tight and say "No, I'm here for you."  but no one did. I got up and decided to take a shower. I took off my clothes, then I noticed my cuts had re-opened.  "Shit!" I quickly got in the shower and watched my blood go down the drain. I finished my shower and put on some cozy pj's that  my grandmother had given me a few years ago. Lucky for me i'm skinny, so I still fit in them. I read one of my favorite books "Looking For Alaska" By John Green. Soon the sun went down and I decided to hit the sack. I could hear a male's voice, he had an accent, he was from the south. "Yeah she's awake, What do we do with her?" " I don't know" said another guy, except this one had a rustier voice. "Is she here alone?" said the guy with the rusty voice. "Yeah i believe so" said the other one.  I got up, but before i could say anything They both said 'Rise and Shine" in unison. "Are you going to hurt me ?" I asked. "Of course not! I'm a sheriff sweetheart"  He showed me his police badge. Deputy Rick Grimes.  "I'm one of his friends, my names Daryl Dixon and i ain't nobody's bitch" I smiled,  "So what are you guys doing here?" "Well  Rick and I have been looking for a camp, we have a group you see, and well we need a place to stay." "You guys can stay here if you'd like. There's plenty of room in this cabin, but i only have one condition." "What's that little lady?" Daryl asked. "You accept me into your group."  "Sounds like a deal" said a tall boy with long hair with a sherrifs hat. 

          Hey guys! Hoped you liked this chapter, i made it extra long. Next chapter Rosalie will interact more with Carl. hehehhehehehe. A special thanks to Litzy & Nessa for both encouraging me to proceed with this fanfic c:

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