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707: Mari! We got a problem here.

MC: You're telling me!

MC: I just had the craziest thing happen!!

707: Tell me later! I'm on my way to your place.

MC: I'm still at school, but I'll be there soon.

You sigh softly. You had told Yoosung everything, and he sat with you, listening and comfortingly rubbing your back the whole time. You had been messaging Seven periodically throughout that, and at his last message, you finally stand. Yoosung gives you another questioning look, and you wave it off slightly.

"I should head home. Study and catch up on all that I missed," you say. It was the truth, but you didn't actually think anything beyond getting home would be done.

Yoosung stands with you, watching with worry. "Y-yeah, makes sense. The teacher sent out an email with a link to the movie if anyone wanted to watch it again, so I'm sure if it's important you can do that~" he suggests kindly. "Um, d-did you want me to walk you? I don't mind!"

You shake your head, but offer him a warm smile. "No, I'll be fine. We live in opposite directions anyway, so I won't make you go further than you need. Thanks though." He nods softly, obviously unhappy by your decision, but you would rather be alone on you way back, thinking and relaxing. While yes, company might help that, you'd rather think before meeting up with Seven so you know what the most important things to tell him are. Make a game plan...

Your phone vibrates in your hand as you make your way home. You shrug it off for a moment, until it vibrates again. You are only a block from your apartment, so you assume it's Seven questioning where you are. Opening up your phone, your footsteps stop as you read over the messages.

Unknown: You want to know who I am, right?

Unknown: Then come find me.

You're scared. You thought you were done with him for now, but he's reached out again. And you're debating answering him. Find him? You start believing that perhaps you truly could find him. End this mess entirely! So you reply after a moment.

MC: Where?

Unknown: Walk one block forward, and then turn right. Walk five steps.

You hesitate. He gave no clear location, you note. He gave you directions. Was that a bad sign? You're not sure. You've never been in a scenario even remotely close to this. After another few moments of hesitation, you begin heading down the street towards your apartment, but turning right instead of left. You know he's watching you when you get a message almost perfectly in time with your passing beside a newer apartment complex than yours.

Unknown: That apartment complex to your right. Enter it.

Following his directions, you feel unnerved as once again a perfectly timed text comes through with directions as you walk through the main entrance. As though he won't give you anything if you don't prove you'll listen...

Unknown: Go upstairs. Third floor. Fifth room from the stairs on the left.

You gulp. This could be a trap, you think. You feel something's wrong in the pit of your stomach, but you push through. If this guy is for real, you need to take the opportunity to find him. End this! Or at the very least see him so you can identify him to the cops...

You stop in front of the mentioned door, and you know it's right when you get the final two texts.

Unknown: There's a passcode on the door, right? Enter 3982951.

707 Dreams (707 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now