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A black veil shrouded the woman's once beautiful face as her thin and bony fingers gripped the edge of her seat. She dare not cry now, but I can feel her deep dejection radiating towards my heart; it is everywhere. You do not need tears to show that your heart is tearing apart.

The coffin was lowered slowly, waiting for time to pass, waiting that it is not yet too late even if it was impossible for the woman's husband to return to who he was. I shivered under the hot summer sun, though I felt more alive than ever.

The first shovel of dirt made a hollow sound on the surface of the coffin, and as soon as the first teardrop touched the ground, a part of me tugged at myself strongly. Soon, my whole essence was flying over time and distance. I was plunged in several moments of darkness, and the second when I thought it would go on forever, the ground took form beneath me. Every day, the same thing happens every single day.

I was now in an airport, busy as usual, though there is a strange air about and that something seems out of place. I've been here a lot of times. This was one of the places where I lived the best, aside from cemeteries, prisons, funerals, parks and schools. It is where sadness and grief thrive, in a place so full of farewells.

A small child held the neck of his weeping mother. She had a badge on her uniform with a local TV channel's logo. She is a journalist of some sort. "Don't go," the child whispered, but it is a whisper loud enough for the wind to carry into my heart. Color rushed to my cheeks, and energy flowed through my veins. My vision went clearer, and my muscles stronger. However, my heart would not flutter; as it never rose out of the deep bog it has sunken into. The mother dropped the child's nimble little hands, and realization struck me. I shall survive today. Again. To experience what I saw again and again until the end of me.

As long as there is grief and sadness; unhappiness, misery, gloom, desolation and woe, I will live. I am but an Emotion, a feeling that will only cease to exist when the emotion of sorrow shall be banished from the quintessence of the earth.

I am human, but I am not. My essence shall always be in the wisps of the rain, and in the twinkling of the stars.

My name is Sorrow.


Hello. You have now met Sorrow. Also, if you see anything wrong or something I can improve on in the story, please do speak it out in the comments section. It will be highly appreciated. Thanks! :)

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