Chapter Two

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No, it is simply an absurd idea for Love to die. Emotions cannot die, or, at least it is a very difficult thing for them to do so. Flickering is the weakest point they can get to. They exist forever until the limits of their memory, and it is just not possible for all the people in the world to wholly abandon a certain feeling. Emotions are a part of them, and you cannot let go of a part of yourself without letting your whole self go as well.

But now here was Love in front of us, saying that she will die. Death for us is just the ceasing of existence. We say goodbye to a universe who never even knew us. I’ve seen the world, more of it than any other human being could, though these things only keep on feeding my abyss, and it was even emptier than before. But Love? Everybody loved Love. She was life; without her, everything will fall apart, even I will.

“Do not be mistaken, children,” her voice echoed throughout the Realm. “Yes, death is near, but I know I must remain strong for all of you.”

This time she flickered more than ever, disappearing for almost a whole second. But in the Realm, even Time stands still.

“I don’t know what will become of you all without your oldest friend. There will be a lot of chaos for all you emotionless children. We seem to have no reason in life, if we have life at all, but now is the time for me to rest, and I shall leave you the only part of me that I have not given you. Take care of this Gift, cherish it and use it to its boundaries, even if it has none,” she continued.

“But what is this ‘Gift’ you speak of, Love? How are we supposed to use it? Also, what will happen to you now?” asked Worry, who was standing right in front of Love.

“There is a war going on in the human world, my child. A war that tramples over the weak, triumphs in the powerful, makes hungry the rich, and the poor even more desperate. Love is disappearing. I am disappearing. My time is very soon, and with my Gift you shall survive. In time you will discover this gift, and you will all be greater than I ever could be.”

Love tried to stand up, but she just managed to fall down the steps leading to her throne.

“I shall only be resting, reserving my power before all of it runs out and I shall die.” Love clutched her hip and grimaced. “Remember your heart, Emotions.”

With that a great golden light burst out of her chest, piercing mine, and blinding us all. When the light faded, Love was gone.

Emotions started popping up sentences and suddenly, for the first time, noise clouded over the peaceful, dreadful Realm of Love.

“Where is she?”

“Who is supposed to lead us now?”

“Is Love dead?”

“Come on, Love’s dead and all you talk about is your hair!”

“What about the gift? Help! Love, wherever you are, please explain!”

Peace fell to the floor, probably nauseated with the sudden outburst of sounds. A few Emotions gathered around her in concern, with Concern murmuring his words of comfort.

Why did Concern and the others gather around Peace? I remember that Love fell down the stairs earlier, no one went up to her and asked if she was okay. Nobody even gasped in surprise, not even me. But now…

Something was changing.

“Quiet down, everyone!” the deep voice of Pride boomed around the Realm. Everybody did shut up. “I don’t know what really happened to Love, but it’s very likely that she would not be able to return to us in the form she appeared in a while ago,” he said.

Hope cleared her throat. Her small voice piped up from the front. “She said she was going to rest, maybe she really isn’t dead. Maybe when this war she speaks of is over, she’ll come back, and I would stop flickering already.”

Pride rolled his eyes at Hope. “You know too much. It’s not going to do us any good if you think on the bright side which is just as possible as Love being dead and all of us following on her footsteps. Besides, you should all thank me for standing up to lead you all.”

“No one told you to lead anyone,” yelled Jealousy, his voice cracking a little.

“Well, my dear friend Jealousy, Love herself said that we will all end up in chaos without her. We need a leader, and here I am.”

“What is happening?” Shame asked me. I jumped at her voice, because it seemed so different than the voice I always heard before.

“I don’t know.”

“We better just wait and see, Shame,” muttered Guilt beside me.

“There’s going to be a fight. There’s going to be a fight.” Someone was murmuring behind me.

I turned around and saw Fear, her dark hair and dark eyes wild as always. We’ve been together before many times, I remember, but only in short seconds, in the hallways of a hospital.

“I think it’s going to be fine,” I said to her, laying my hand on her shoulder.

She shrugged it off vigorously. “No, you don’t understand! There is going to be something big! Something so big we can’t stop it! I can feel it in my body! I can—”

An intense rumbling shook the ground. The red river lapped away in panic. Cracks journeyed their way to the top of the tall columns. The roses trembled, and for the first time since the first day of my existence I heard a scream from someone I knew was not an ordinary living thing from Earth. An empty scream, a lot of screams. My throat burned. I wonder if I have been screaming, too?

Fear glowed behind me, and inside of me. A great white light erupted from the roof the red columns should have supported. Daylight, I thought. However, I have already lost my balance and was sprawled out on the ground along with many others. A great crack zigzagged on the ground between Shame and I.

A void that is more enormous than the chasm in my heart. That used to be in my heart. It swallowed the screams, its hunger never satisfied. And soon it was eating the possessors of those screams as well.

Tumbling into this great gulf was like jumping, pirouetting, and landing into someone you knew would catch you but he did not. You fall into the cold hard floor, probably snapping your neck in two in the process, but this time the floor never came. I near an enormous, stinking place of fire and blood while plummeting into this hole. My fear was so great that I almost wished to meet the ground already that expected me than to wait and fall with the dread and anxiety enveloping my heart that has already made its way out of my body when I first plunged into the toxic air.

My fear. Fear.

 I am afraid.

There is nothing for me now but the end that will meet me down below, so I just closed my eyes and waited.


Yay! Please, do help me out in the comments section for anything that needs focus on about the story. Thanks!

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