Chapter One: Brianna

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"You don't want to live in a society like this, yet you don't want to do anything about it!" shouted Mimi. A Union Guard walked past us and glared at Mimi.

"Good morning, Guard Simons." we said. Mimi apologised to him.

"You too. If I catch you saying that again, you'll be punished." said Guard Simons. He walked off along with the other guard named Guard Parker.

"Why is the world like this anyway?" I whispered, once the two guards were out of earshot.

"No idea. Probably because people were being mean and stuff." she said.

We walked to school.

"Be back by 4pm." said Mum.

"We will."

We saw yet another guard.

"Names." she said.

"Mimi Smith and Brianna Thomas." we said.

"Ages and date of birth." she said.

"18 and 19. August 5, 2487 and January 7, 2486."

"Scan your passes and you may go through."

Mimi sighed.

"Do that again and you'll be in isolation." Guard Parker snapped. We scanned our passes and walked into college.

I saw lots of guards walking towards us. One was dragging a young boy down the hallway.

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