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Folding his arms across the desk, Fred Jones dropped his head down onto the table in disbelief. He sighed loudly, earning him several looks from his fellow inmates. As he let out a small groan, he heard someone clearing their throat purposefully and slowly pulled his head back up again to face the owner of the noise.

It was Velma Dinkley. Or was it Finkley? Fred could never remember. He'd never really paid that much attention to Velma - let alone the others - he'd only really seen her in a few of his classes and around the hallways. Looking over at her now, however, Fred was surprised that he didn't notice her much, she didn't exactly blend in with the stereotypical average teenager. She was quite small, and stumpy, with short brown hair and glasses that accented her freckles; and her clothes weren't exactly figure hugging, which seemed to be what all the girls wore nowadays. But Fred didn't see the problem with that, she wasn't his exact cup of tea, but she was undoubtedly pretty.

Daphne Blake, on the other hand, was seen as being desirable to any eyes. She was sat on the other side of Fred, so he turned to face her to get a better look, and wanted to face away from Velma's scowl anyways. He knew Daphne the best out of the three, but had only had a few conversations with her in the past; being as he was on the school's football team and she was close with the cheer squad. Daphne was beautiful. With long, flowing, ginger hair and big doe eyes, angelic features and a petite waist, she was simply irresistible. She was smart, too, but no way near as smart as Velma.

And then there was... that guy Fred could never remember the name of.

"Psst!" he whispered across the desks to the third member, "Psst!"

"Like, could you keep it down, man?"

"What's your name?" Fred inquired, as the guy turned around in his chair to look at the jock behind him.

"Me?" The guy gulped, then grinned, "Norville. But, like, everyone calls me Shaggy."

Daphne frowned, "Shaggy?"

"Yup." he nodded vigorously.

"Why Shaggy?"

Shaggy paused, to think about it. Fred managed to look up and down at Shaggy and he began to get an idea as to why. He was tall and lanky, with a mop of sandy brown hair. His clothes were loose fitting, and his expression seemed permanently dazed. Fred had never seen Shaggy around before, unless you count all those lessons where Shaggy had been caught eating from a Doritos crisp packet in the middle of class; although Fred was sure this was the guy his friends said was always moping around the neighbourhood with his dog.

"Dunno, like, I think it's from a while back and it just, like, stuck."

"Shhhh!" Velma hushed, with her index finger placed against her lips, "Shut up! This is my first detention all year and I'm not about to get another one because you all won't shut up!" She huffed as she folded her arms over her chest, "Also, what kind of a nickname is Shaggy?" Velma added, facing back to the front.

"We've been here for ten minutes, Velma, and the teacher hasn't even showed up yet, I think we're good." Fred paused, then turned to look back at Velma. "Why do you have detention anyway? Aren't you the favourite of all your teachers?"

Velma hesitated for a few seconds and then replied curtly, "No, actually I'm not. A lot of them don't like my 'attitude'. And why don't you ask her?"

She nodded towards Daphne, who flung her hands up in surrender, "Velma, it wasn't my fault! I actually had nothing to do with it!"

"So, like, why are you in detention, Daphne?" Shaggy asked, his head cocked to one side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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