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Madhu woke up to find herself in an unfamiliar room. Her head ached and she was wearing the same dress from the party. Massaging her face she came on her feet to see the granite floors and noticed the ceilings that were plastered. She immediately recognized it as Ashok's house. She grabbed for her phone to check if there was any message or call and realized it was out of service, and with low battery.

Damn! What happened last night?

She recalled some parts of her trying to run, Pran and Ashok coming out of nowhere but nothing was of consequence. First, she went out of her room to check if Ashok was anywhere around, but he wasn't. Then she walked in the bathroom, took a hot shower and wore the clothes he had left for her.

As she was drying her head with the towel, rubbing it hard, she walked outside, hearing footsteps. Ashok was buttoning his shirt, going through his hair in hurry when he looked up at her.

She was still rubbing her hair and she could see how a smile just lit up his entire face.

"How are you now?"

"What had happened?" she narrowed her gaze now, recalling the revolver that he had. "You had a gun right?"

"I was scaring him off."


"The guy who was chasing you."


"No bullets."

"Why do you have a gun in the first place?" She did find it worrying.

"Protection. I have a license if you want to see." His nose flared slightly.

"No, thank you," she said. "How did you find me?"

"You called me."

Did I?

She didn't recall that part of the night but then she had done a lot of crazy things. She only hoped he wasn't following her around like a creep and then lying to her.

"What did I say?"

"That you need my company."

"That doesn't sound like me."

"That's just the little you said. There were other things too." He had a mischievous look about him now as he walked close to her. "That you wanted to do things to me."

"Uh," her cheeks grew warm and she was pretty sure she had gone red. She hid it with her palms across her cheeks, rubbing them off. "Well, I was just drunk. I had Vodka and whiskey; it wasn't the best combination on an empty stomach."

"It does bring a part of you out, that you are trying to hide from me," he held her shoulders and squeezed it.

A current zapped down her spine and her legs tingled with excitement.

"I should be going." Or more like I'm dying of embarrassment!


Madhu grabbed for her dirty clothes and grabbed the white kurta-pajama that he had given her. He told her that Baba was out in the back, cleaning utensils and he drove her to Delhi. As soon as she left the jungle, messages began to come from Vijaya.



Madhu thought of calling but Ashok was with her and he was chatting about stuff. He was different than the first time she met him. He was gloomy and distant then. But now it was like everything had a beginning and end.

MADHU - AN EROTIC THRILLERWhere stories live. Discover now