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Madhu had wished he would stay the night but he didn't. He left her after that, without even talking about what happened between them. As he left, she was left weak with desire from inside, as if he had departed with a part of her soul. She massaged her head, feeling drained as she tried to drink water. She couldn't understand how she was irresistibly controlled by the man. At one moment, she was showing the dress and in the very next moment, she was in his arms. He hadn't even touched her hand to begin with, but straightaway grasped her thighs, her butt, and smothered her with kisses. But somehow she liked it. She knew now that the quiet persona that he displays is just a façade. There's more to him that he hides beneath, a lurking creature who is wild in nature. And perhaps he left without a word for he didn't want Madhu to see that part of him.

He thinks I won't accept him the way he is.

But I will.

She had always been jaded and bored throughout her college years as the boys around her weren't able to satisfy her. She had two boyfriends in three years of bachelor's degree and both of them were mediocre in their approach. They had the charisma but not the hurricane that she knows will sweep her away. Even the most explicit games with them couldn't match up to what Ashok did with one grasp of her hair and passionate kissing. It was like her whole existence had been torn apart by those still seconds of rapture.


It was in the evening the following day, and the engagement had begun. She was excited about it but more so because she was excited about being with Ashok. He had come to pick her up and they didn't talk to each other for the whole journey. She had dressed well, with her eyes lined with kajal and mascara, and yet he didn't compliment her. He had worn a plain gray suit but his stubble elevated his look to the next level. His stern expression was perturbing Madhu, but she didn't mention this.

If yesterday was so bad, just say it, damn it!

But he didn't.

They reached the event, where Madhu greeted everyone she knew from the college while Ashok stood in the back. Whoever asked her about him, she would whisper it was "complicated" and the friend would then giggle. She met Vijaya in the back, hugged her hard and complimented her gorgeous green and red kanjeevaram saree. Her eyes seemed bigger than usual with all the makeup and her hair was braided perfectly with jasmine blossoms. Vijaya met Ashok and exclaimed, "So you are the guy?"

At that moment, Madhu slapped her forehead in embarrassment.

"Yes, I'm that guy. Congratulations on your engagement."

"Arey thank you so much," she grinned.

Madhu and Ashok left for the main hall shortly afterwards, which was resplendently decorated with flowers. The floors were carpeted and rose-colored durries. Everyone and everything was so colorful, especially the area where the podium for the bride and groom was situated. There was an enthusiastic emcee who introduced Vijaya's entry, who like the princess she was, walked over to the podium. Then Kishore walked from the other side in his bow tie tuxedo, looking dashing.

"Don't they look fabulous?" Madhu whispered to Ashok, who just hummed in return.

Why isn't he speaking to me?

The introduction of the couple led to a sequence of slow dances between them, as Arijit Singh's songs played in the background. As soon as it ended, Madhu clapped along with others, while Ashok remained a mute spectator. There were other dance sequences by the groom's and bride's cousins, who performed on rap, Punjabi and Bollywood music. It finally led to the ring ceremony, where Vijaya slid the ring on Kishore's finger and Kishore did the same; even as they grinned at everyone, awkwardly waving around as everyone clapped.

MADHU - AN EROTIC THRILLERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang