deh » broken (kliensen)

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•* One day ago *•

Evan and Jared were climbing the oak tree in Jared's backyard.

"J- Jared- don't you think we're too- hi- high?" Evan squeaked, hanging onto the stump of the tree.

"We're fine, Evs, I promise you won't get hurt." Jared reassured softly.

"O- Ok- Okay..." Evan mumbled, climbing after Jared.

The two boys got to the highest branch. They could see everything from there. Jared laid his head on Evan's shoulder, and Evan wrapped his arm around Jared. They both sat there for what seemed like for forever. Until they heard a crack.

"Ja- Jared! Did you hear that-" Evan was now breathing heavily, shaking.

"I di- did-" Jared tried his best to stay calm. His only priority was to get Evan out of this safe. "Here-"  He helped Evan onto a branch that was a few branches lower. "Everything is going to be fine, Evs- I swear-" Crack.

Jared fell. 40 meters down. Pitch black. Crack. That wasn't the sound of branches, but of Jared's bones breaking. And possibly Evan's heart.

"JARED!!!!" Evan screamed. "MOM! MOMMMM!!" He cried, climbing down from the tree and rushing down to his unconscious boyfriend's side. Evan's heart sank. "J- Jared-?" He picked up Jared's broken glasses and clutched them tight to his chest. Tears rolled down his face.

Heidi rushed out with Jared's mom. She ran to her son's side and hugged him tight. "It's going to be okay, baby- CALL 911!!!"

Evan watched the nurses haul Jared into the ambulance. He sobbed uncontrollably. "This is all my fault...." he sniffed.

"Oh, Evan," Heidi frowned, moving a piece of hair from Evan's teared face. "Don't blame yourself, sweetie, I'm sure he'll be fine,"

•* Present Day *•

"Let me go in!" Evan cried. "P- Please-"

Heidi looked at the nurse with sad eyes. "Please," she mouthed.

The nurse nodded slightly and opened the door.

Evan ran into the room. He stopped breathing for a few seconds and clasped his hands over his mouth.

Jared was attached to so many IVs. Evan couldn't even keep count.

Heidi put a hand on Evan's shoulder and turned to the nurse. She looked back at her heartbroken son. "We'll give you two some time," They both left the room.

Evan walked over to Jared shakily. "J- Jared?"

Jared looked up weakly. He had a confused and soft expression. "I'm sorry do I know you?"

Evan's heart broke. For probably the hundredth time. "It's me- E- Evan... come on.. you don't remember me?" He chuckled weakly, sitting on a chair beside him.

Jared raised his eyebrows and tried to turn to Evan. He whimpered lightly and chuckled, staring infront of him. "Not really, were we friends?"

Evan bit his lip to stop from crying. "W- We were together," he said with a crack in his voice.

Jared tilted his head and chuckled. "Together? Sorry, but I'm straight." He laughed weakly but stopped when he saw Evan starting to cry silently. "H- Hey I'm sorry if I offended you or something-" he tried to lift his hand to put on Evan's shoulder, but couldn't.

"N- N- No, it's okay- um- I have to- g- go-" Evan squeaked, rushing out of the room.

Jared frowned. He hurt this innocent boy. He didn't want to. He wanted to become friends with him. Something was special about him. Something different. But he never saw him again.

•* A year later *•

Jared was climbing a tree with Alana, his girlfriend. "Isn't it pretty?" He smiled, looking over at the sunset as he wrapped his arm around her.

Alana couldn't take this. They've been together for four months. She did have a small crush on Jared. But she didn't want to end up with him by breaking Evan's heart. Evan was one of her best friends. "It is," she smiled weakly.

Jared smiled brightly and kissed her forehead. "I love you,"

Alana chuckled awkwardly. "I love you too, wanna go eat inside...?"

Jared nodded. "Sure," he smiled. He helped her get down, but it was too late for him. He fell. Again. Pitch black.

"JARED!!! JARED!?" Alana screamed, jumping off the branch and running to Jared's side, shaking him uncontrollably. "HELP!!!"

•* Four Hours Later, Alana's House,
Brought To You By Evan's Forest Expertise *•

Jared woke up, he rubbed his eyes and sat up. "W- Where am I?"

Alana whirled around. "He's awake!" She rushed over to Jared's side. "You're at my house, you fell out of a tree, are you okay, darling?"

"D- Darling? I'm sorry, but I'm with Evan-" Jared groaned, standing up.

Alana couldn't help but smile faintly. "You remember..."

"I'm sorry, Alana, but I gotta go find Evan-" Jared ran out of the house and arrived at the Hansen's. He knocked on the door repeatedly. "Evan!? Evan! Heidi?! Hello-"

Heidi opened the door. "Jared...? How are you?"

"I remember- where's-" Jared started, seeing a child which looked like a two year old boy with dirty blonde hair holding onto Heidi's leg. "Who's this?"

"Ben, my adopted son.." Heidi chuckled, picking Ben up.

Ben touched Jared's glasses and giggled lightly.

"H- Hey, kiddo," Jared chuckled, ruffling up the boy's hair. "But- what about Evan? He's all you need-"

Heidi frowned and started crying uncontrollably.

"Mama?" Ben frowned, hugging his mom tight.

Heidi took in a deep breath and sighed. "After Evan found out you didn't remember him the next day he- he-" she broke down crying again. "He's gone, Jared. He committed suicide, because he blamed himself. He said there was nothing to live for......" She wiped her eyes.

Jared fell on his knees. He cried. He never cried. He never had cried like this before. He buried his face in his hands. He was shaking. Crying and shaking. The person he loved- the person he was looking forward to seeing each day- heck, the person he was going to propose to... was gone. "H- H- He's-" He stuttered, heck he never stutters. "G- Gone?"

Evan didn't deserve to die because of him. Maybe they'll meet again. Maybe he'll be found. Just maybe.

woah over 1,000 words :0 if you want another ending that's happy just request one ;,)

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